When exporting a Pentabarf schedule, your talks must be accepted and reconfirmed in order to appear on in the schedule. Not just accepted.
In this article, we assume your conference id = 7. Adjust to suit your situation.
This query gives you a list of the accepted talks:
SELECT event_id FROM event WHERE conference_id = 7 AND event_state = 'accepted';
This query refines the data so you get the accepted talks which will not appear in the schedule:
SELECT event_id, event_state_progress FROM event WHERE conference_id = 7 AND event_state = 'accepted' AND event_state_progress in ( 'confirmed', 'unconfirmed');
Using the above as a basis for starting, we can update these events so they appear in the schedule by issuing this command:
BEGIN; UPDATE event SET event_state_progress = 'reconfirmed' WHERE event_id IN (SELECT event_id FROM event WHERE conference_id = 7 AND event_state = 'accepted' AND event_state_progress in ( 'confirmed', 'unconfirmed') );
You’ll need a commit or rollback after that.
And before exporting, you’ll need to create another release.
These are the emails for the accepted speakers:
SELECT DISTINCT S.email FROM event E, view_event_person P, view_mail_all_speaker S WHERE E.event_id = P.event_id AND P.person_id = S.person_id AND E.conference_id = 7 AND E.event_state = 'accepted' AND E.event_state_progress NOT IN ('rejected', 'canceled') ORDER BY 1;
These are the non-accepted speakers:
SELECT DISTINCT S.email FROM event E, view_event_person P, view_mail_all_speaker S WHERE E.event_id = P.event_id AND P.person_id = S.person_id AND E.conference_id = 7 AND S.email NOT IN (SELECT S.email FROM event E, view_event_person P, view_mail_all_speaker S WHERE E.event_id = P.event_id AND P.person_id = S.person_id AND E.conference_id = 7 AND E.event_state = 'accepted' AND E.event_state_progress NOT IN ('rejected', 'canceled') ) ORDER BY 1;