Replacing postfix with dma + auth

It’s a muggy Friday morning, sitting outside the cafe – it’s tolerable in the shade with a slight breeze and cold iced-latte in a glass. Dogs walking past, lots of pats.

It’s time to change most of my hosts from Postfix (my favorite MTA) to dma (in FreeBSD, no install required).

I have previously moved most of my jail hosts from Postfix to dma. A few days ago, I changed one of my jail hosts over. Today, I’m going to try the rest of the hosts.

Let’s go.

In this post:

  1. FreeBSD 14.1

The main configuration

I have seven hosts/jails to modify here. They are all using Postfix and each one relays to my email provider, and the mail goes from there.

The instructions I show are from one host, but the commands are being run on all hosts – I have connected to them via csshX.

Stop and disable the postfix service:

[11:56 cliff1 dvl ~] % sudo service postfix stop 
postfix/postfix-script: stopping the Postfix mail system
[11:56 cliff1 dvl ~] % sudo service postfix disable    
postfix disabled in /etc/rc.conf

Disable sendmail (In recent FreeBSD releases, sendmail is disabled by default):

[11:57 cliff1 dvl ~] % sudo sysrc sendmail_enable="NO"
sendmail_enable: NO -> NO
[11:57 cliff1 dvl ~] % 

In my case, that was already present, but on some hosts it was not. Those host were using (something like this):

[dvl@r720-02:~] $ grep sendmail /etc/rc.conf

This is the dma configuration file I used:

[12:03 cliff1 dvl ~] % cat /etc/dma/dma.conf
PORT 465

AUTHPATH /etc/dma/auth.conf

My value for SMARTHOST was obtain by running:

[12:03 cliff1 dvl ~] % postconf relayhost
relayhost = []:submission

submission was converted to a port number via:

[12:03 cliff1 dvl ~] % grep submission /etc/services
submissions	465/tcp	   #Message Submission over TLS
submission	587/tcp
submission	587/udp

Note that I’m changing from 587 to 465 – just because I’m going to rely upon SSL, versus STARTTLS (for no particular reason). Consult your email provider for what to use.

Next, I created an empty authorization file. My best practice is to create the file first, with permissions you want, then populate it.

[12:08 cliff1 dvl ~] % sudo touch /etc/dma/auth.conf
[12:08 cliff1 dvl ~] % sudo chmod 640 /etc/dma/auth.conf
[12:08 cliff1 dvl ~] % ls -l /etc/dma/auth.conf
-rw-r-----  1 root wheel 0 2024.08.02 12:08 /etc/dma/auth.conf

NOTE: later I discovered and fixed this issue:

[13:20 cliff1 dvl ~] % sudo mailq
mailq: can not open auth file `/etc/dma/auth.conf': Permission denied
[13:20 cliff1 dvl ~] % ls -l /etc/dma/auth.conf
-rw-r-----  1 root wheel 52 2024.08.02 12:15 /etc/dma/auth.conf
[13:20 cliff1 dvl ~] % sudo chgrp mail /etc/dma/auth.conf 
[13:21 cliff1 dvl ~] % sudo mailq                        
Mail queue is empty
[13:21 cliff1 dvl ~] % 

This file contains something like this:|

I obtained the password from my existing Postfix configuration. In my case, it was found in this file:

[12:16 cliff1 dvl ~] % postconf smtp_sasl_password_maps
smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/usr/local/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd

I created the cronjob for dma:

[12:17 cliff1 dvl ~] % cat /usr/local/etc/cron.d/dma         
*/30    *       *       *       *       root    /usr/libexec/dma -q

I moved this file out of the way. I think it a legacy configuration item I created years ago.

[12:18 cliff1 dvl ~] % sudo mv /usr/local/etc/mail/mailer.conf /usr/local/etc/mail/mailer.conf.disabled
[12:19 cliff1 dvl ~] % 

See my previous post for how this lingering file created a problem.

It contained:

[12:19 cliff1 dvl ~] % cat /usr/local/etc/mail/mailer.conf.disabled
# Execute the Postfix sendmail program, named /usr/local/sbin/sendmail
sendmail	/usr/local/sbin/sendmail
send-mail	/usr/local/sbin/sendmail
mailq		/usr/local/sbin/sendmail
newaliases	/usr/local/sbin/sendmail


For testing I did this:

[12:21 aws-1 dan ~] % echo $(hostname) testing | mail

I used hostname so that I would know which hosts had worked when I was reviewing the received emails.

The logs looked like this:

Aug  2 12:22:06 cliff1 dma[afd5d][46246]: new mail from user=dvl uid=1001 envelope_from=
Aug  2 12:22:06 cliff1 dma[afd5d][46246]: mail to= queued as afd5d.240c20248000
Aug  2 12:22:06 cliff1 dma[afd5d.240c20248000][46247]:  trying delivery
Aug  2 12:22:06 cliff1 dma[afd5d.240c20248000][46247]: using smarthost (
Aug  2 12:22:06 cliff1 dma[afd5d.240c20248000][46247]: trying remote delivery to [] pref 0
Aug  2 12:22:06 cliff1 dma[afd5d.240c20248000][46247]: using SMTP authentication for user
Aug  2 12:22:07 cliff1 dma[afd5d.240c20248000][46247]:  delivery successful


Every host successfully sent the email.

Hope this helps.

Still to do

For me, now I have to update the monitoring for these hosts. They are checking Postfix queues now. That has to change.

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