
WordPress Migration: The import

This is the fourth in a series of articles on my migration to WordPress. In this post, I’ll talk about how I exported my existing website into an XML file, which I then imported into WordPress. All this was possible because of the preparations previously described. I was fortunate in that my website already had an RSS feed. It did not contain everything needed to do an import, but it did represent a […]

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WordPress Migration: stripping out headers/footers, etc

This is the third in a series of articles on my migration to WordPress. In this post, I’ll talk about how I removed non-core material from the website before I imported it. This is vital because WordPress adds its own headers and footers, which my website already contains. The first step is to remove all that cruft before creating the input file for the RSS Importer (first used in the previous post). The

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WordPress Migration: : The first attempts

This is the second in a series of articles on my migration to WordPress. In this post, I’ll talk about why I decided to go with RSS-Importer and outline the first steps I took to get my posts into WordPress. These steps did not complete the migration. Rather, they were a proof of concept which led to other tasks to import yet more data into WordPress. In these posts, I will use the

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Importing data into WordPress

This is the first in a series of articles on my migration to WordPress. I have another diary (The FreeBSD Diary). I’ve been running it since 1998. More than once I’ve been asked why doesn’t it use some blogging package. Well, I didn’t know of anything back then, and cobbled together my own solution. The website is just static HTML, with some PHP functions to provide common headers, sidebars, footers, etc. There is

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