
How much noise will I lose when I power off this server?

This morning I pondered how much will noise reduce when I power off that server? From the comfort of my living room, directly above the rack in the basement, I powered it off. At first, I was disappointed. I could still hear that repetitive whine. After considering powering off one of the other hosts, I […]

How much noise will I lose when I power off this server? Read More »

Identifying jails and data to migrate from old host to new host

I’m retiring knew and moving the services over to r730-03. I recently added 2 12TB drives to the latter host. In this post, I’ll start the migration process by identifying what data needs to move, from where, and to where. In this post: knew r730-03 FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE-p2 The data There are the zpools in question:

Identifying jails and data to migrate from old host to new host Read More »

Testing two 12TB drives in a Dell R730 on FreeBSD

I’m ready to downsize. I’m going to replace knew with r730-03. The former has 20 5TB drives. I don’t need all that space now. I’ll settle for 12TB instead. The two new drives arrived today: [23:39 r730-03 dvl ~] % grep da2 /var/run/dmesg.boot da2 at mrsas0 bus 1 scbus1 target 2 lun 0 da2: Fixed

Testing two 12TB drives in a Dell R730 on FreeBSD Read More »

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