dhcpd: Unable to add reverse map – not found

Running dhcpd with dynamic DNS? Seeing messages like this?

Dec 20 17:16:18 toiler dhcpd: Unable to add reverse map from to Apple-TV.example.org: not found

But that IP address is static/fixed?

If so, you can to add an option to that host. Make it look like this:

# Apple-TV
host Apple-TV {   
  hardware ethernet 14:99:e2:0f:48:23;
  fixed-address appletv.int.example.org;
  ddns-updates off; 

The answer is the ddns-updates off;. It tells dhcpd to not send a DNS update for this host.

I found this answer by reading, yes, reading, the man page. Here is the extract from man 5 dhcpd.conf:

       The ddns-updates statement

          ddns-updates flag;

         The ddns-updates parameter controls whether or not  the  server  will
         attempt  to  do  a DNS update when a lease is confirmed.  Set this to
         off if the server should not attempt to do updates within  a  certain
         scope.   The ddns-updates parameter is on by default.  To disable DNS
         updates in all scopes, it is preferable to use the  ddns-updates-style
         statement, setting the style to none.
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