Moving some ZFS filesystems to the ‘trash’ and removing all their snapshots – sanoid

I recently discovered that you can delete all snapshot from a ZFS filesystem with a single command. It came to me via fortune:

You can delete a range of ZFS snapshots (a-z) in multiple ways.

The following will delete d and all earlier snapshots:

zfs destroy mypool/data@%d

To delete d and all later snapshots:

zfs destroy mypool/data@d%

To delete all dataset snapshots:

zfs destroy mypool/data@%

Make sure to let ZFS perform a dry run (-n option) first and display (-v) what
it would do to confirm that the delete operation is removing exactly what you

— Benedict Reuschling

Today, I decided to retire a few iocage jails which have been powered off for a while. I will use my newly found knowledge and combine it with some zfs rename and sanoid configuration to archive these filesystems for a bit longer.

In this post:

  1. FreeBSD 12.2
  2. iocage 1.2_6
  3. sanoid 2.0.3

I have used sanoid for while to manage my snapshots.

The goal

I will create a new filesystem within the same zpool. This will allow me to rename the existing filesystems, effectively moving them out from under system/iocage/jails and into a new location system/trash. I’m calling it trash, but this is not a trash can as commonly used in desktop user interfaces. I’m just giving it that name. I could have called it archive or ngatoto and the result would be the same.

I will instruct sanoid to not snapshot the newly-relocated filesytems.

The old iocage jails

There are the jails in question:

[dan@slocum:~] $ iocage list -l | grep off
| JID |        NAME        | BOOT | STATE | TYPE |     RELEASE     |                    IP4                     |                                   IP6                                    | TEMPLATE      | BASEJAIL |
| -   | dev-ingress01      | off  | down  | jail | 12.2-RELEASE-p4 | [redacted]                                 | -                                                                        | -             | no       |
| -   | dev-nginx01        | off  | down  | jail | 12.2-RELEASE-p4 | [redacted]                                 | -                                                                        | -             | no       |
| -   | devgit-ingress01   | off  | down  | jail | 12.2-RELEASE-p4 | ix2|[redacted]                             | -                                                                        | -             | no       |
| -   | devgit-nginx01     | off  | down  | jail | 12.2-RELEASE-p4 | ix2|[redacted]                             | -                                                                        | -             | no       |
| -   | mobile-nginx01     | off  | down  | jail | 12.2-RELEASE-p4 | ix2|[redacted]                             | -                                                                        | -             | no       |
| -   | stage-ingress01    | off  | down  | jail | 12.2-RELEASE-p4 | ix2|[redacted]                             | -                                                                        | -             | no       |
| -   | stage-nginx01      | off  | down  | jail | 12.2-RELEASE-p4 | ix2|[redacted]                             | -                                                                        | -             | no       |
| -   | test-ingress01     | off  | down  | jail | 12.2-RELEASE-p4 | [redacted]                                 | -                                                                        | -             | no       |
| -   | test-nginx01       | off  | down  | jail | 12.2-RELEASE-p4 | [redacted]                                 | -                                                                        | stage-nginx01 | no       |
| JID |        NAME        | BOOT | STATE | TYPE |     RELEASE     |                    IP4                     |                                   IP6                                    | TEMPLATE      | BASEJAIL |
[dan@slocum:~] $

All of those powered-off jails have been converted to vanilla jails:

[dan@slocum:~] $ zfs list -r system/jails
NAME                              USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
system/jails                      240G  12.4T   304K  /jails
system/jails/dev-ingress01       15.1G  12.4T  13.2G  /jails/dev-ingress01
system/jails/dev-nginx01         6.42G  12.4T  6.04G  /jails/dev-nginx01
system/jails/devgit-ingress01    10.4G  12.4T  9.38G  /jails/devgit-ingress01
system/jails/devgit-nginx01      8.68G  12.4T  7.17G  /jails/devgit-nginx01
system/jails/mx-ingress-test     1.30G  12.4T  1.30G  /jails/mx-ingress-test
system/jails/mx-ingress01        2.10G  12.4T  1.88G  /jails/mx-ingress01
system/jails/stage-ingress01      127G  12.4T   125G  /jails/stage-ingress01
system/jails/stage-nginx01       6.21G  12.4T  5.83G  /jails/stage-nginx01
system/jails/stagegit-ingress01  23.7G  12.4T  15.0G  /jails/stagegit-ingress01
system/jails/stagegit-nginx01    2.60G  12.4T  2.32G  /jails/stagegit-nginx01
system/jails/test-ingress01      7.89G  12.4T  7.50G  /jails/test-ingress01
system/jails/test-nginx01        6.15G  12.4T  5.79G  /jails/test-nginx01
system/jails/testgit-ingress01   19.6G  12.4T  11.5G  /jails/testgit-ingress01
system/jails/testgit-nginx01     3.58G  12.4T  2.47G  /jails/testgit-nginx01
[dan@slocum:~] $ 

The corresponding system/iocage/* filesystems are no longer required. I want to retain them for a while longer, but I don’t want sanoid to take any snapshots.

First, tell sanoid to ignore

Ths is what I added to /usr/local/etc/sanoid/sanoid.conf:

# we make no snapshots of this
    use_template = ignore
    recursive    = yes

I need that recursive declaration to avoid letting other directives for system being applied to the filesystems under this point. You may be able to get away with it, but I find that when I want something to apply to this thing and everything under it, I specify span class=”cmd”>recursive – it is both clear and documents my intentions.

This template was already in that file:

    autoprune = no
    autosnap  = no
    monitor   = no

Creating the destination

This will be used in the upcoming zfs rename commands.

[dan@slocum:~] $ sudo zfs create system/trash

Read below for how I should / could have created this.

Renaming the filesystems

I did this via copy/paste, and I’m showing you my command history

[dan@slocum:~] $ history | grep rename
  495  sudo zfs rename system/iocage/jails/dev-ingress01    system/trash/dev-ingress01
  496  sudo zfs rename system/iocage/jails/dev-nginx01      system/trash/dev-nginx01
  497  sudo zfs rename system/iocage/jails/devgit-ingress01 system/trash/devgit-ingress01
  498  sudo zfs rename system/iocage/jails/devgit-nginx01   system/trash/devgit-nginx01
  500  sudo zfs rename system/iocage/jails/mobile-nginx01   system/trash/mobile-nginx01
  501  sudo zfs rename system/iocage/jails/stage-ingress01  system/trash/stage-ingress01
  503  sudo zfs rename system/iocage/jails/test-ingress01   system/test-ingress01
  504  sudo zfs rename system/iocage/jails/test-nginx01     system/
  505  sudo zfs rename system/iocage/jails/test-nginx01     system/test-nginx01
  507  sudo zfs rename system/test-nginx01                  system/trash/test-nginx01
  508  history | grep rename

I have also column aligned the results to make it easier to follow. You can see my error at 504 & 505 and the correction on 507.

What do I have there? This is the output after I deleted all the snapshots (in the next section):

[dan@slocum:~] $ zfs list -r system/trash
NAME                                 USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
system/trash                        69.8G  12.4T   288K  /trash
system/trash/dev-ingress01          7.74G  12.4T   208K  /trash/dev-ingress01
system/trash/dev-ingress01/root     7.74G  12.4T  7.74G  /trash/dev-ingress01/root
system/trash/dev-nginx01            5.01G  12.4T   208K  /trash/dev-nginx01
system/trash/dev-nginx01/root       5.01G  12.4T  5.01G  /trash/dev-nginx01/root
system/trash/devgit-ingress01       5.66G  12.4T   208K  /trash/devgit-ingress01
system/trash/devgit-ingress01/root  5.66G  12.4T  5.66G  /trash/devgit-ingress01/root
system/trash/devgit-nginx01         5.35G  12.4T   208K  /trash/devgit-nginx01
system/trash/devgit-nginx01/root    5.35G  12.4T  5.35G  /trash/devgit-nginx01/root
system/trash/mobile-nginx01         3.63G  12.4T   200K  /trash/mobile-nginx01
system/trash/mobile-nginx01/root    3.63G  12.4T  3.63G  /trash/mobile-nginx01/root
system/trash/stage-ingress01        37.8G  12.4T   208K  /trash/stage-ingress01
system/trash/stage-ingress01/root   37.8G  12.4T  37.8G  /trash/stage-ingress01/root
system/trash/stage-nginx01          4.58G  12.4T   208K  /trash/stage-nginx01
system/trash/stage-nginx01/root     4.58G  12.4T  4.58G  /trash/stage-nginx01/root
[dan@slocum:~] $ 

Hmmm, I don’t want this stuff mounted.

[dan@slocum:~] $ sudo zfs set canmount=off system/trash
[dan@slocum:~] $ sudo zfs set mountpoint=none  system/trash
[dan@slocum:~] $ zfs list -r system/trash
NAME                                 USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
system/trash                        69.8G  12.4T   288K  none
system/trash/dev-ingress01          7.74G  12.4T   208K  none
system/trash/dev-ingress01/root     7.74G  12.4T  7.74G  none
system/trash/dev-nginx01            5.01G  12.4T   208K  none
system/trash/dev-nginx01/root       5.01G  12.4T  5.01G  none
system/trash/devgit-ingress01       5.66G  12.4T   208K  none
system/trash/devgit-ingress01/root  5.66G  12.4T  5.66G  none
system/trash/devgit-nginx01         5.35G  12.4T   208K  none
system/trash/devgit-nginx01/root    5.35G  12.4T  5.35G  none
system/trash/mobile-nginx01         3.63G  12.4T   200K  none
system/trash/mobile-nginx01/root    3.63G  12.4T  3.63G  none
system/trash/stage-ingress01        37.8G  12.4T   208K  none
system/trash/stage-ingress01/root   37.8G  12.4T  37.8G  none
system/trash/stage-nginx01          4.58G  12.4T   208K  none
system/trash/stage-nginx01/root     4.58G  12.4T  4.58G  none
[dan@slocum:~] $ 

There, better. I could have done this when I created the filesystem:

[dan@slocum:~] $ sudo zfs create -o canmount=off -o mountpoint=none system/trash

Destroying the snapshots

I am always cautious around zfs destroy even when working on snapshots. An accidental tap of the ENTER key and you’ve lost the real data, not the snapshot.

I like using the -nv options on zfs destroy – that does a dry run (destroys nothing) and shows you want it would have done. For example:

[dan@slocum:~] $ sudo zfs destroy -nv -R system/trash@%
would destroy system/trash/test-nginx01@1
would destroy system/trash/test-nginx01@before.bacula.restore
would destroy system/trash/test-nginx01@ioc_update_12.2-RELEASE-p2_2021-02-24_15-06-06
would destroy system/trash/test-nginx01@autosnap_2021-03-15_00:00:24_daily
would destroy system/trash/test-nginx01@autosnap_2021-03-16_00:01:06_daily
would destroy system/trash/test-nginx01@autosnap_2021-03-17_00:00:43_daily
would destroy system/trash/dev-nginx01/root@autosnap_2021-03-24_14:00:19_frequently
would destroy system/trash/dev-nginx01/root@autosnap_2021-03-24_14:15:50_frequently
would destroy system/trash/dev-nginx01/root@autosnap_2021-03-24_14:30:41_frequently
would destroy system/trash/dev-nginx01/root@autosnap_2021-03-24_14:45:51_frequently
would reclaim 46.2G
[dan@slocum:~] $ 

Please read up on the differences between -R and -r.

How many snapshots is that?

[dan@slocum:~] $ zfs list -r -t snapshot system/trash | wc -l

I also did this just to see if there was anything outside this tree which depended on something:

[dan@slocum:~] $ sudo zfs destroy -nv -R system/trash@% | grep -v system/trash
would reclaim 46.2G

OK, good to go. Here was the real command:

[dan@slocum:~] $ sudo zfs destroy -R system/trash@%
[dan@slocum:~] $ 


Still no snapshots

After I wrote the above, I went back to see if there any snapshots:

[dan@slocum:~] $ zfs list -r -t snapshot system/trash
no datasets available
[dan@slocum:~] $ 

No, nothing. Just as intended.

Hope this helps.

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