OK, we got a Time Machine on ZFS on FreeBSD. So what. Can we restore from it?

I have written recently about creating a ZFS-based Time Machine on FreeBSD. Yesterday, I did my first restore from this instance. Surprise. It worked. Please move along. Nothing to see here. Just photos. The motivation: I’m replacing one MacBook with another. Some details here on Twitter. Edit – 2024-02-22 After I messed up when renaming

OK, we got a Time Machine on ZFS on FreeBSD. So what. Can we restore from it? Read More »

Creating a Time Capsule instance using Samba, FreeBSD, and ZFS (latest)

This is a rewrite of a previous post on the same subject. I have rewritten it because I created a new jail ™ and I’m using a different configuration now. I recently moved a Time Capsule instance from a FreeBSD host into a jail. Later, I moved to using Samba instead of AFP. Why? Samba

Creating a Time Capsule instance using Samba, FreeBSD, and ZFS (latest) Read More »

FreeBSD jailed ZFS datasets – how do I find the .zfs/snapshot directory?

On FreeBSD, you can jail a ZFS dataset – that is, the jail can manipulate the ZFS dataset as if it was a host (more or less). This has useful applications. In my case, I want to backup a snapshot of that dataset from the host. For example, I want to backup this dataset: [12:19

FreeBSD jailed ZFS datasets – how do I find the .zfs/snapshot directory? Read More »

Backing up FreeBSD with Bacula via ZFS snapshot

Tonight, while watching an episode of The Great British Bake Off, I configured a new Bacula backup jobs to cover some datasets which were not already backed up. I already have a backup jobs to backup all the jails, but only for datasets which sit right under zroot/jails (for example). This new solution takes a

Backing up FreeBSD with Bacula via ZFS snapshot Read More »

Debugging snmp output when using LibreNMS

Librenms is my tool-of-choice for grabbing metrics from switches, servers, wireless access points, and anything else with an snmp interface. In this post: FreeBSD 14.0 LibrenMS 23.11.0,1 – updated to 23.11.0_1,1 within this post net-snmp-5.9.1_4,1 After updating some hosts to FreeBSD 14, the zfs application/extension broke. It was quickly amended after a report was lodged.

Debugging snmp output when using LibreNMS Read More »

Jails with embedded, but not jailed, ZFS datasets – how to mount/umount – corrected

This is a rewrite of Jails with embedded, but not jailed, ZFS datasets – how to mount/umount. First, this is not about jailed ZFS datasets. I use them for FreshPorts, but that’s not I’m going to talk about here. In this post: FreeBSD 13.2 This is my example: [22:25 r730-03 dvl ~] % zfs list

Jails with embedded, but not jailed, ZFS datasets – how to mount/umount – corrected Read More »

Jails with embedded, but not jailed, ZFS datasets – how to mount/umount

This approach did not work, because I used the wrong set of filesystems. See below for Error. This post has been replaced by Jails with embedded, but not jailed, ZFS datasets – how to mount/umount – corrected. NOTE: on yesterday’s (2023-10-04) reboot, the file systems did not properly mount. zfs get mounted said they were

Jails with embedded, but not jailed, ZFS datasets – how to mount/umount Read More »

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