
Installing the replacement UPS

Around the end of last year, I started having trouble with my used Eaton 5PX – I’d had it for about 5 years and it was used when I bought it off eBay. On Saturday night (about 21:33:48 UTC), the home network disappeared off the Internet. I figured my new gateway had died. The dead UPS Sunday morning, I returned from the remote undisclosed location to the basement #homelab. Entering the basement, it […]

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Eaton 5PX removes power every 24 hours

When I powered on my UPS yesterday, I predicted when it would power off: 24 hours later. To be clear, it’s removing power from the outlets and not sending any notifications to the hosts that it’s about to do so. Today, I captured the console when resetting and trying to power on the UPS. The reset This is the reset output: At this point, I waited. With no more output for 3+ minutes,

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Let’s find the dead cell in my Eaton 5PX

Todays goals: pull both the ups and the external battery unit (EBU). While there, swap them so the UPS is on top. Take photos of the wiring. Disconnect each battery. Measure it. Replace anything not like the others. Expecting 13V or so on most. One should read way less. Maybe. But the UPS is now charged to 100% All cells in the UPS measure about 13.4V. Next, the EBU. All aboutt 13.4 or

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Complete network shutdown – wtf?

This afternoon, I was running an Ansible script to update the snmpd configuration settings on nagios03 (which replaced nagios02 – which was intentionally destroyed earlier today). After the script completed, I could not access the ngaios3 website, nor could I ssh into the host. My first thoughts: I must have messed up the ssh configuration, I’ll fix it through the console. I can’t get to anything. Anywhere. WIFI now? No, it’s me that’s

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Eaton 5PX console booting screen shots

This post shows my screenshots from the console of my Eaton 5PX as it was powered on. In this post: Eaton 5PX 2200 I was trying to clear the Replace Battery warning on my UPS after recently replacing the batteries. At present, the warning message has been cleared, I’m not sure how or why. Before taking these screen shots, the server connected to the UPS was not loading up the driver. This was

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Eaton 5PX UPS – clear the ‘Replace Battery’ warning

Three weeks ago, I wrote about Replacing batteries Eaton 5PX – 5PX2200RT & 5PXEBM48RT. Back then, I did not properly replace the front panel before connecting the battery… See also Eaton 5PX console booting screen shots for the followup work. Fixing this requires disconnecting the battery from the UPS. I’m not sure if I can do that live, but I’m not going to try. During this procedure, I will also move two drives

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Replacing batteries Eaton 5PX – 5PX2200RT & 5PXEBM48RT

NOTE: the images in this blog post were broken. As of 2024-12-01 1600 UTC, they are fixed. Sorry about that. Two useful links for future me: The time arrived this morning. The batteries were charged up. I had most of the day to myself. It was time to replace the batteries. Elapsed time for this process, according to the photos I took, was about 90 minutes. However, looking at snmpd metrics,

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Optimizing UPS power use when the power goes out

This post is mostly for myself. I’m just putting my Sunday morning thoughts down for later review and consideration. When Selecting replacements batteries for my Eaton 5PX UPS (5PX2200RT & 5PXEBM48RT), I began to think about: when the power goes off, why can’t I keep using my laptop? Usually, I still have an Internet connection: the ISP isn’t going offline. Why not turn off the two servers in the basement, and anything else

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Eaton EMA114-10 ePDU – initial configuration

On Friday, the latest addition to the #homelab turned up. An Eaton EMA114-10 PDU. A PDU is a Power Distribution Unit. Think of it as a step up from a power strip. This is a 24 outlet, single phase, managed PDU. With it, individual outlets can be monitored for power usage and they can be switched on or off. Access methods include ssh, telnet, serial port, http, and https. This PDU is zero-U,

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Eaton ePDU Auth Algorithm & Crypto Algorithm for SNMPv3 Configuration

I recently acquired an Eaton EMA114-10 PDU. When adding it to LibreNMS, I did not know what Authorization Algorithm or Crypto Algorithm to use when configuring it for SNMPv3. Searching did not find anything. IRC did. dagb on the LibreNMS IRC channel knew what was used for older EATON devices. Turns out, that hasn’t changed. These are the answers: Auth Algorithm – MD5 Crypto Algorithm – AES I hope this saves you time.

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