
Moving ZFS filesystems/datasets from one ZFS zpool to another

Now that I’ve filled up data01, I bought some more SSDs and created another zpool. Today, on this snow-is-anticipated Saturday winter morning, I’m going to move some ZFS filesystems/datasets around. Side note: I like the term dataset better than filesystem. man zfs talks about datasets, which can be a file system, a volume, a snapshot, or a bookmark. However, usually when I talk about a filesystem, it might be dataset. It’s a fine […]

Moving ZFS filesystems/datasets from one ZFS zpool to another Read More »

Wrong recordsize on zfs send | zfs recv filesystems

Over the past few days, I’ve posted a lot about transferring jails from two hosts into one host. One of the steps involves using zfs send | zfs recv to send the files from one host to another. I’m using syncoide for that transfer. A new fileystem’s recordsize defaults to 128K. In my case, that is usually OK, except for some specific datasets. For example: * video * backups * distfiles (tarballs) Here

Wrong recordsize on zfs send | zfs recv filesystems Read More »

Transferring a jail from one host to another

I’ve started merging these two hosts: r710-01 slocum into this one host: r740-01 The goal is to then retire those first two hosts. This post covers the initial bulk copy of all the data from two hosts into the one. In this post: FreeBSD 13.1 Each jail runs on its own zfs filesystem Not covered by this post Creating jails Creating snapshost Detailed usage of syncoid hosts not using zfs The overall process

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using syncoid to backup ZFS snapshots – home assistant

Copies of data are good. Especially if on a different host. zfs snapshots combined with zfs send | zfs recv make replication of zfs file systems especially easy. I am already using sanoid to manage zfs snapshots. Now I’m going to use syncoid to transfer those snapshots to another host. Both sanoid and syncoid are provided by the sanoid package on FreeBSD. I’m sure any other packaging system does similar. In this post:

using syncoid to backup ZFS snapshots – home assistant Read More »

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