Multi-site WordPress installation

I use WordPress for three websites:

  1. (this website)

This also mean I have WordPress installed three times. Recently, I looked at moving to multi-site WordPress.

I failed. Or rather, I abandoned the process.

My goals:

  1. have one instance of WordPress for all three website
  2. have each blog available via both https

Option 1 is to reduce the work required when upgrading WordPress and plugins.

Option 2 is to ensure I can perform the admin using a secure channel.

A horrible overview of how I did this

To get there, and I apologize for the brevity of these steps:

  1. I created a new Apache virtual host (e.g.
  2. Installed WordPress in the root directory of this website

First, you need to go into Tools | Network Setup and create a network. Be sure to use subdomains, not subdirectories.

Then you amend wp-config.php as shown on the results page after you do the above.

It says to add to .htaccess,but I added to virtualhost apache definition instead. Because that’s the way I run my blogs.

Key to this is Multiple domains with multisite plugin. You want to follow the installation instructions.

Why did I stop?

I abandoned my objective for a number of reasons:

  1. Importing the other blogs seemed fraught with failure
  2. I wasn’t sure that all this would work…

I may come back to this another time.

In the meantime…

In the meantime, I upgraded one installation using the documented upgrade process. This worked well. The process, again, horribly documented, was:

  1. cd /usr/local/www/
  2. tar -cf backup.tar wordpress # back the existing code
  3. cd wordpress
  4. rm -rf wp-includes wp-admin # remove the old code
  5. cp -rp ../wordpress.3.5/wp-admin . # copy over the new
  6. cp -rp ../wordpress.3.5/wp-includes . # copy over the new
  7. cd wp-content
  8. cp -r ../../wordpress.3.5/wp-content/* .# copy over the new
  9. cd ..
  10. cp ../wordpress.3.5/* .# copy over the new

That worked for me. :)

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