How much are those volumes in the library?

I pretty much ignore my tape library. It asks for tapes when it runs out. However, I think I should be looking ahead and anticipating requests. Thus, I came up with this SQL query:

[dan@ngaio:~] $ psql bacula
psql (8.4.5)
Type "help" for help.

  SELECT mediaid, volumename, volstatus, slot, inchanger,, volbytes
    FROM media, pool
   WHERE media.poolid = pool.poolid
     AND volumename LIKE 'ETU0%'
     AND inchanger != 0
ORDER BY slot;
 mediaid | volumename | volstatus | slot | inchanger |     name      |  volbytes
    1328 | ETU021     | Append    |    1 |         1 | Differentials |       64512
    1316 | ETU020     | Append    |    2 |         1 | Differentials |  9645189120
    1440 | ETU032     | Full      |    3 |         1 | Incrementals  | 74433429504
    1441 | ETU033     | Append    |    4 |         1 | Incrementals  | 47176528896
    1286 | ETU002     | Append    |    5 |         1 | Fulls         |       64512
    1284 | ETU004     | Append    |    6 |         1 | Fulls         | 23292509184
    1285 | ETU003     | Append    |    7 |         1 | Fulls         |       64512
    1442 | ETU031     | Append    |    9 |         1 | Incrementals  |       64512
(8 rows)


With this, I can see that what tapes are full, and then decide what to swap out and replace with refresh tapes.
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