October 2014

Getting openconnect & tuntap working on Yosemite OSX

I upgraded to Yosmite today. It was not without pain. I use openconnect, which in turn, uses tuntap. After upgrading, my connection attempts resulted in: Failed to open tun device: No such file or directory Set up tun device failed I was also seeing this in /var/log/system.log: Oct 28 15:39:39 snorty.example.org com.apple.kextd[19]: ERROR: invalid signature […]

Getting openconnect & tuntap working on Yosemite OSX Read More »

Getting snmpwalk to talk to snmpd on FreeBSD

NOTE: If you are looking to configure net-mgmt/net-snmp for the first time, the latest article is Configuration of net-mgmt/net-snmp on FreeBSD. Contrary to all the examples I found, it’s not easy to get snmpwalk to communicate with snmpd. I am using the net-mgmt/net-snmp port with the default configuration options. It was installed with: pkg install

Getting snmpwalk to talk to snmpd on FreeBSD Read More »

Bacula restore using a regex

Short version: I used this regex when restoring to a jail on the slocum server: !/\.zfs/snapshot/snapshot-for-backup/!/! Background Today I did this when setting up an ssh-key on a new host: ssh-add -L > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys Oh. That should have been >>. Restoring During the Bacula restore, I need to change this path: /usr/jails/mydev/.zfs/snapshot/snapshot-for-backup/usr/home/dan/.ssh/ to /usr/jails/mydev/usr/home/dan/.ssh/ That

Bacula restore using a regex Read More »

rndc: neither /usr/local/etc/rndc.conf nor /usr/local/etc/rndc.key was found

In this post, I’m using bind98-9.8.8 from ports on FreeBSD 9.3, in case that helps you. Today, I was adjusting the pgcon.org domain as part of the move from the old server to the new server. This move would also see the website updated to PGCon 2015 and the use of Ansible for configuring that

rndc: neither /usr/local/etc/rndc.conf nor /usr/local/etc/rndc.key was found Read More »


For future reference. This server formed the backbone of just about everything I did. It hosted about 13 domains. Sadly, it was i386 and would not do for ZFS. Copyright (c) 1992-2014 The FreeBSD Project. Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All

gelt Read More »

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