Migrating one Bacula Volume to another

I run Bacula. I have coded for Bacula. Now I’m writing about Bacula again.

Bacula is by far and away the best open source program for managing network-based backups. In this article, I will show you how I migrated a bunch of jobs from a disk Volume to a tape Volume. However, the approach I will use can be applied to any type of job migration.

Why bother?

I’m running of disk space and I have this 39GB Volume that I no longer require on disk. I back to disk only when I must. I prefer to back to tape. If I am out of town and the tape fills up, I backup to disk instead. This is where Migration will help me.

Here is my Migration job:

Job {
  Name     = "MigrateDiskToTape"
  Type     = Migrate
  Level    = Full
  Client   = ngaio-fd
  FileSet  = "Full Set"
  Messages = Standard
  Pool     = FilePool
  Storage  = DLT

  Selection Type    = SQLQuery
  Selection Pattern = "select jobid from jobmedia where mediaid = 134;"

  # no sense spooling local data
  Spool Data       = no
  Spool Attributes = yes

How did I arrive at that Selection Pattern? This is the Volume I wish to migrate:

[dan@ngaio:/wdc/bacula/volumes] $ ls -lh
total 41275840
-rw-r-----  1 bacula  bacula    39G Feb  9  2008 FILE-0005
[dan@ngaio:/wdc/bacula/volumes] $

Here is the ID for that Volume:

[dan@laptop:~] $ echo 'list volumes' | bconsole | grep FILE-0005
|     134 | FILE-0005     | Read-Only |       1 | 42,245,786,665 |
        9 |   63,072,000 |       1 | 
                                          0 |
         1 | File      | 2008-02-09 00:01:09 |

From that, it is straight forward to see all the jobs written to that Volume:

select jobid from jobmedia where mediaid = 134;

From there, if you want to see some details about those jobs, this query does it.

bacula=# select jobid, job, name, level, starttime from job
 where jobid in (select jobid from jobmedia where mediaid = 134
) order by starttime;
 jobid |            job             |  name  | level |      starttime
 14411 | pepper.2007-05-17_15.15.00 | pepper | I     | 2007-05-17 15:15:08
 14413 | undef.2007-05-18_00.55.00  | undef  | I     | 2007-05-18 00:55:07
 14416 | dfc.2007-05-18_00.55.03    | dfc    | I     | 2007-05-18 01:00:52
 14419 | m21.2007-05-18_00.55.06    | m21    | I     | 2007-05-18 01:43:39
 14423 | undef.2007-05-19_00.55.00  | undef  | I     | 2007-05-19 01:18:27
 14426 | dfc.2007-05-19_00.55.03    | dfc    | I     | 2007-05-19 01:24:17
 14429 | m21.2007-05-19_00.55.06    | m21    | I     | 2007-05-19 02:47:29
 14421 | pepper.2007-05-18_15.15.00 | pepper | I     | 2007-05-19 10:17:40
 14433 | undef.2007-05-20_00.55.00  | undef  | D     | 2007-05-20 00:55:07
 14436 | dfc.2007-05-20_00.55.03    | dfc    | D     | 2007-05-20 01:12:30
 14439 | m21.2007-05-20_00.55.06    | m21    | D     | 2007-05-20 01:54:06
 14441 | pepper.2007-05-20_15.15.00 | pepper | D     | 2007-05-20 15:15:09
 16354 | ngaio.2008-02-04_21.25.59  | ngaio  | I     | 2008-02-04 21:29:25
 16355 | bast.2008-02-04_21.25.00   | bast   | I     | 2008-02-04 21:34:49
 16361 | nebula.2008-02-04_22.48.15 | nebula | I     | 2008-02-04 23:02:01
 16362 | nyi.2008-02-04_22.48.16    | nyi    | I     | 2008-02-05 02:28:10
 16368 | bast.2008-02-05_05.55.36   | bast   | I     | 2008-02-05 05:59:10
 16369 | ngaio.2008-02-05_05.55.37  | ngaio  | I     | 2008-02-05 05:59:32
 16370 | nyi.2008-02-05_05.55.38    | nyi    | I     | 2008-02-05 06:04:22
 16371 | nebula.2008-02-05_05.55.39 | nebula | I     | 2008-02-05 06:17:18
 16387 | bast.2008-02-06_05.55.33   | bast   | I     | 2008-02-06 05:59:12
 16388 | ngaio.2008-02-06_05.55.34  | ngaio  | I     | 2008-02-06 05:59:34
 16389 | nyi.2008-02-06_05.55.35    | nyi    | I     | 2008-02-06 06:05:28
 16390 | nebula.2008-02-06_05.55.36 | nebula | I     | 2008-02-06 06:26:49
 16406 | bast.2008-02-07_05.55.30   | bast   | I     | 2008-02-07 05:59:15
 16407 | ngaio.2008-02-07_05.55.31  | ngaio  | I     | 2008-02-07 05:59:36
 16408 | nyi.2008-02-07_05.55.32    | nyi    | I     | 2008-02-07 06:05:35
 16409 | nebula.2008-02-07_05.55.33 | nebula | I     | 2008-02-07 06:26:07
 16425 | bast.2008-02-08_05.55.27   | bast   | I     | 2008-02-08 05:59:13
 16426 | ngaio.2008-02-08_05.55.28  | ngaio  | I     | 2008-02-08 05:59:35
 16427 | nyi.2008-02-08_05.55.29    | nyi    | I     | 2008-02-08 06:06:05
 16428 | nebula.2008-02-08_05.55.30 | nebula | I     | 2008-02-08 06:24:29
(32 rows)


Now, let’s run that job. :)

Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog
Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
A job name must be specified.
The defined Job resources are:
     1: BackupCatalog
     2: RestoreFiles
     3: MigrateDiskToTape
[other jobs snipped to keep this brief]
Select Job resource (1-28): 3
Run Migration job
JobName:       MigrateDiskToTape
Bootstrap:     *None*
Client:        ngaio-fd
FileSet:       Full Set
Pool:          FilePool (From Job resource)
Read Storage:  File (From Pool resource)
Write Storage: DLT (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
JobId:         *None*
When:          2008-11-20 23:44:57
Catalog:       MyCatalog
Priority:      10
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
Job queued. JobId=23325
You have messages.

The following output is rather large. I apologise, but feel it is important to include it in full:

20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: The following 32 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23326: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 16368
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23326: Migration using JobId=16368 Job=bast.2008-02-05_05.55.36
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23326: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23326:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23326: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23326:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23326:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23326:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23326: Fatal error: Previous Job resource not found for "bast".
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23326: Bacula bacula-dir 2.4.3 (10Oct08): 20-Nov-2008 23:45:03
  Build OS:               i386-portbld-freebsd6.3 freebsd 6.3-STABLE
  Prev Backup JobId:      16368
  New Backup JobId:       0
  Migration JobId:        23326
  Migration Job:          MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.58
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 ngaio-fd
  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2007-03-18 13:48:18
  Read Pool:              "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Read Storage:           "File" (From Pool resource)
  Write Pool:             "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Write Storage:          "DLT" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
  Start time:             20-Nov-2008 23:45:03
  End time:               20-Nov-2008 23:45:03
  Elapsed time:           0 secs
  Priority:               10
  SD Files Written:       0
  SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  Volume name(s):
  Volume Session Id:      0
  Volume Session Time:    0
  Last Volume Bytes:      0 (0 B)
  SD Errors:              0
  SD termination status:
  Termination:            Migration -- no files to migrate

20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23326
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23326 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23327: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 14411
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23327: Migration using JobId=14411 Job=pepper.2007-05-17_15.15.00
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23327: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23327:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23327: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23327:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23327:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23327:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23327: Fatal error: Previous Job resource not found for "pepper".
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23327: Bacula bacula-dir 2.4.3 (10Oct08): 20-Nov-2008 23:45:04
  Build OS:               i386-portbld-freebsd6.3 freebsd 6.3-STABLE
  Prev Backup JobId:      14411
  New Backup JobId:       0
  Migration JobId:        23327
  Migration Job:          MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.59
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 ngaio-fd
  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2007-03-18 13:48:18
  Read Pool:              "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Read Storage:           "File" (From Pool resource)
  Write Pool:             "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Write Storage:          "DLT" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
  Start time:             20-Nov-2008 23:45:04
  End time:               20-Nov-2008 23:45:04
  Elapsed time:           0 secs
  Priority:               10
  SD Files Written:       0
  SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  Volume name(s):
  Volume Session Id:      0
  Volume Session Time:    0
  Last Volume Bytes:      0 (0 B)
  SD Errors:              0
  SD termination status:
  Termination:            Migration -- no files to migrate

20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23327
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23327 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23328: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 16369
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23328: Migration using JobId=16369 Job=ngaio.2008-02-05_05.55.37
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23328: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23328:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23328: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23328:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23328:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23328:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23329: No prior Full backup Job record found.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23329: No prior or suitable Full backup found in catalog. 
Doing FULL backup.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23328
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23328 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23330: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 14441
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23330: Migration using JobId=14441 Job=pepper.2007-05-20_15.15.00
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23330: Bootstrap records written to  
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23330:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23330: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23330:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23330:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23330:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23330: Fatal error: Previous Job resource not found for "pepper".
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23330: Bacula bacula-dir 2.4.3 (10Oct08): 20-Nov-2008 23:45:05
  Build OS:               i386-portbld-freebsd6.3 freebsd 6.3-STABLE
  Prev Backup JobId:      14441
  New Backup JobId:       0
  Migration JobId:        23330
  Migration Job:          MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.02
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 ngaio-fd
  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2007-03-18 13:48:18
  Read Pool:              "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Read Storage:           "File" (From Pool resource)
  Write Pool:             "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Write Storage:          "DLT" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
  Start time:             20-Nov-2008 23:45:05
  End time:               20-Nov-2008 23:45:05
  Elapsed time:           0 secs
  Priority:               10
  SD Files Written:       0
  SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  Volume name(s):
  Volume Session Id:      0
  Volume Session Time:    0
  Last Volume Bytes:      0 (0 B)
  SD Errors:              0
  SD termination status:
  Termination:            Migration -- no files to migrate

20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23330
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23330 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23331: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 16370
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23331: Migration using JobId=16370 Job=nyi.2008-02-05_05.55.38
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23331: Bootstrap records written to  
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23331:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23331: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23331:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23331:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23331:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23331
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23331 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23333: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 16371
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23333: Migration using JobId=16371 Job=nebula.2008-02-05_05.55.39
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23333: Bootstrap records written to  
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23333:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23333: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23333:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23333:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23333:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23333
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23333 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23335: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 16387
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23335: Migration using JobId=16387 Job=bast.2008-02-06_05.55.33
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23335: Bootstrap records written to  
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23335:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23335: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23335:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23335:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23335:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23335: Fatal error: Previous Job resource not found for "bast".
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23335: Bacula bacula-dir 2.4.3 (10Oct08): 20-Nov-2008 23:45:05
  Build OS:               i386-portbld-freebsd6.3 freebsd 6.3-STABLE
  Prev Backup JobId:      16387
  New Backup JobId:       0
  Migration JobId:        23335
  Migration Job:          MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.07
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 ngaio-fd
  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2007-03-18 13:48:18
  Read Pool:              "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Read Storage:           "File" (From Pool resource)
  Write Pool:             "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Write Storage:          "DLT" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
  Start time:             20-Nov-2008 23:45:05
  End time:               20-Nov-2008 23:45:05
  Elapsed time:           0 secs
  Priority:               10
  SD Files Written:       0
  SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  Volume name(s):
  Volume Session Id:      0
  Volume Session Time:    0
  Last Volume Bytes:      0 (0 B)
  SD Errors:              0
  SD termination status:
  Termination:            Migration -- no files to migrate

20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23335
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23335 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23336: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 16388
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23336: Migration using JobId=16388 Job=ngaio.2008-02-06_05.55.34
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23336: Bootstrap records written to  
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23336:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23336: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23336:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23336:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23336:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23337: No prior Full backup Job record found.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23337: No prior or suitable Full backup found in catalog. 
Doing FULL backup.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23336
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23336 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23338: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 14413
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23338: Migration using JobId=14413 Job=undef.2007-05-18_00.55.00
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23338: Bootstrap records written to
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23338:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23338: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23338:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23338:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23338:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23338: Fatal error: Previous Job resource not found for "undef".
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23338: Bacula bacula-dir 2.4.3 (10Oct08): 20-Nov-2008 23:45:05
  Build OS:               i386-portbld-freebsd6.3 freebsd 6.3-STABLE
  Prev Backup JobId:      14413
  New Backup JobId:       0
  Migration JobId:        23338
  Migration Job:          MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.10
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 ngaio-fd
  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2007-03-18 13:48:18
  Read Pool:              "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Read Storage:           "File" (From Pool resource)
  Write Pool:             "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Write Storage:          "DLT" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
  Start time:             20-Nov-2008 23:45:05
  End time:               20-Nov-2008 23:45:05
  Elapsed time:           0 secs
  Priority:               10
  SD Files Written:       0
  SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  Volume name(s):
  Volume Session Id:      0
  Volume Session Time:    0
  Last Volume Bytes:      0 (0 B)
  SD Errors:              0
  SD termination status:
  Termination:            Migration -- no files to migrate

20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23338
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23338 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23339: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 14416
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23339: Migration using JobId=14416 Job=dfc.2007-05-18_00.55.03
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23339: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23339:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23339: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23339:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23339:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23339:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23339: Fatal error: Previous Job resource not found for "dfc".
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23339: Bacula bacula-dir 2.4.3 (10Oct08): 20-Nov-2008 23:45:06
  Build OS:               i386-portbld-freebsd6.3 freebsd 6.3-STABLE
  Prev Backup JobId:      14416
  New Backup JobId:       0
  Migration JobId:        23339
  Migration Job:          MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.11
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 ngaio-fd
  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2007-03-18 13:48:18
  Read Pool:              "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Read Storage:           "File" (From Pool resource)
  Write Pool:             "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Write Storage:          "DLT" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
  Start time:             20-Nov-2008 23:45:05
  End time:               20-Nov-2008 23:45:06
  Elapsed time:           1 sec
  Priority:               10
  SD Files Written:       0
  SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  Volume name(s):
  Volume Session Id:      0
  Volume Session Time:    0
  Last Volume Bytes:      0 (0 B)
  SD Errors:              0
  SD termination status:
  Termination:            Migration -- no files to migrate

20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23339
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23339 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23340: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 14419
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23340: Migration using JobId=14419 Job=m21.2007-05-18_00.55.06
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23340: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23340:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23340: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23340:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23340:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23340:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23340
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23340 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23342: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 14423
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23342: Migration using JobId=14423 Job=undef.2007-05-19_00.55.00
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23342: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23342:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23342: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23342:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23342:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23342:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23342: Fatal error: Previous Job resource not found for "undef".
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23342: Bacula bacula-dir 2.4.3 (10Oct08): 20-Nov-2008 23:45:06
  Build OS:               i386-portbld-freebsd6.3 freebsd 6.3-STABLE
  Prev Backup JobId:      14423
  New Backup JobId:       0
  Migration JobId:        23342
  Migration Job:          MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.14
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 ngaio-fd
  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2007-03-18 13:48:18
  Read Pool:              "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Read Storage:           "File" (From Pool resource)
  Write Pool:             "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Write Storage:          "DLT" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
  Start time:             20-Nov-2008 23:45:06
  End time:               20-Nov-2008 23:45:06
  Elapsed time:           0 secs
  Priority:               10
  SD Files Written:       0
  SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  Volume name(s):
  Volume Session Id:      0
  Volume Session Time:    0
  Last Volume Bytes:      0 (0 B)
  SD Errors:              0
  SD termination status:
  Termination:            Migration -- no files to migrate

20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23342
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23342 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23343: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 14426
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23343: Migration using JobId=14426 Job=dfc.2007-05-19_00.55.03
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23343: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23343:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23343: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23343:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23343:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23343:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23343: Fatal error: Previous Job resource not found for "dfc".
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23343: Bacula bacula-dir 2.4.3 (10Oct08): 20-Nov-2008 23:45:06
  Build OS:               i386-portbld-freebsd6.3 freebsd 6.3-STABLE
  Prev Backup JobId:      14426
  New Backup JobId:       0
  Migration JobId:        23343
  Migration Job:          MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.15
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 ngaio-fd
  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2007-03-18 13:48:18
  Read Pool:              "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Read Storage:           "File" (From Pool resource)
  Write Pool:             "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Write Storage:          "DLT" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
  Start time:             20-Nov-2008 23:45:06
  End time:               20-Nov-2008 23:45:06
  Elapsed time:           0 secs
  Priority:               10
  SD Files Written:       0
  SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  Volume name(s):
  Volume Session Id:      0
  Volume Session Time:    0
  Last Volume Bytes:      0 (0 B)
  SD Errors:              0
  SD termination status:
  Termination:            Migration -- no files to migrate

20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23343
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23343 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23344: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 14429
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23344: Migration using JobId=14429 Job=m21.2007-05-19_00.55.06
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23344: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23344:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23344: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23344:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23344:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23344:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23344
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23344 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23346: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 14421
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23346: Migration using JobId=14421 Job=pepper.2007-05-18_15.15.00
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23346: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23346:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23346: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23346:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23346:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23346:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23346: Fatal error: Previous Job resource not found for "pepper".
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23346: Bacula bacula-dir 2.4.3 (10Oct08): 20-Nov-2008 23:45:06
  Build OS:               i386-portbld-freebsd6.3 freebsd 6.3-STABLE
  Prev Backup JobId:      14421
  New Backup JobId:       0
  Migration JobId:        23346
  Migration Job:          MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.18
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 ngaio-fd
  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2007-03-18 13:48:18
  Read Pool:              "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Read Storage:           "File" (From Pool resource)
  Write Pool:             "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Write Storage:          "DLT" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
  Start time:             20-Nov-2008 23:45:06
  End time:               20-Nov-2008 23:45:06
  Elapsed time:           0 secs
  Priority:               10
  SD Files Written:       0
  SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  Volume name(s):
  Volume Session Id:      0
  Volume Session Time:    0
  Last Volume Bytes:      0 (0 B)
  SD Errors:              0
  SD termination status:
  Termination:            Migration -- no files to migrate

20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23346
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23346 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23347: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 14433
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23347: Migration using JobId=14433 Job=undef.2007-05-20_00.55.00
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23347: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23347:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23347: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23347:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23347:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23347:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23347: Fatal error: Previous Job resource not found for "undef".
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23347: Bacula bacula-dir 2.4.3 (10Oct08): 20-Nov-2008 23:45:06
  Build OS:               i386-portbld-freebsd6.3 freebsd 6.3-STABLE
  Prev Backup JobId:      14433
  New Backup JobId:       0
  Migration JobId:        23347
  Migration Job:          MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.19
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 ngaio-fd
  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2007-03-18 13:48:18
  Read Pool:              "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Read Storage:           "File" (From Pool resource)
  Write Pool:             "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Write Storage:          "DLT" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
  Start time:             20-Nov-2008 23:45:06
  End time:               20-Nov-2008 23:45:06
  Elapsed time:           0 secs
  Priority:               10
  SD Files Written:       0
  SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  Volume name(s):
  Volume Session Id:      0
  Volume Session Time:    0
  Last Volume Bytes:      0 (0 B)
  SD Errors:              0
  SD termination status:
  Termination:            Migration -- no files to migrate

20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23347
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23347 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23348: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 14436
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23348: Migration using JobId=14436 Job=dfc.2007-05-20_00.55.03
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23348: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23348:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23348: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23348:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23348:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23348:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23348: Fatal error: Previous Job resource not found for "dfc".
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23348: Bacula bacula-dir 2.4.3 (10Oct08): 20-Nov-2008 23:45:06
  Build OS:               i386-portbld-freebsd6.3 freebsd 6.3-STABLE
  Prev Backup JobId:      14436
  New Backup JobId:       0
  Migration JobId:        23348
  Migration Job:          MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.20
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 ngaio-fd
  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2007-03-18 13:48:18
  Read Pool:              "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Read Storage:           "File" (From Pool resource)
  Write Pool:             "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Write Storage:          "DLT" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
  Start time:             20-Nov-2008 23:45:06
  End time:               20-Nov-2008 23:45:06
  Elapsed time:           0 secs
  Priority:               10
  SD Files Written:       0
  SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  Volume name(s):
  Volume Session Id:      0
  Volume Session Time:    0
  Last Volume Bytes:      0 (0 B)
  SD Errors:              0
  SD termination status:
  Termination:            Migration -- no files to migrate

20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23348
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23348 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23349: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 14439
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23349: Migration using JobId=14439 Job=m21.2007-05-20_00.55.06
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23349: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23349:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23349: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23349:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23349:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23349:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23349
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23349 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23351: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 16362
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23351: Migration using JobId=16362 Job=nyi.2008-02-04_22.48.16
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23351: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23351:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23351: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23351:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23351:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23351:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23351
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23351 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23353: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 16406
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23353: Migration using JobId=16406 Job=bast.2008-02-07_05.55.30
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23353: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23353:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23353: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23353:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23353:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23353:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23353: Fatal error: Previous Job resource not found for "bast".
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23353: Bacula bacula-dir 2.4.3 (10Oct08): 20-Nov-2008 23:45:07
  Build OS:               i386-portbld-freebsd6.3 freebsd 6.3-STABLE
  Prev Backup JobId:      16406
  New Backup JobId:       0
  Migration JobId:        23353
  Migration Job:          MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.25
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 ngaio-fd
  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2007-03-18 13:48:18
  Read Pool:              "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Read Storage:           "File" (From Pool resource)
  Write Pool:             "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Write Storage:          "DLT" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
  Start time:             20-Nov-2008 23:45:07
  End time:               20-Nov-2008 23:45:07
  Elapsed time:           0 secs
  Priority:               10
  SD Files Written:       0
  SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  Volume name(s):
  Volume Session Id:      0
  Volume Session Time:    0
  Last Volume Bytes:      0 (0 B)
  SD Errors:              0
  SD termination status:
  Termination:            Migration -- no files to migrate

20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23353
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23353 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23354: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 16407
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23354: Migration using JobId=16407 Job=ngaio.2008-02-07_05.55.31
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23354: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23354:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23354: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23354:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23354:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23354:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23355: No prior Full backup Job record found.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23355: No prior or suitable Full backup found in catalog. 
Doing FULL backup.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23354
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23354 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23356: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 16425
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23356: Migration using JobId=16425 Job=bast.2008-02-08_05.55.27
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23356: Bootstrap records written to
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23356:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23356: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23356:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23356:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23356:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23356: Fatal error: Previous Job resource not found for "bast".
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23356: Bacula bacula-dir 2.4.3 (10Oct08): 20-Nov-2008 23:45:07
  Build OS:               i386-portbld-freebsd6.3 freebsd 6.3-STABLE
  Prev Backup JobId:      16425
  New Backup JobId:       0
  Migration JobId:        23356
  Migration Job:          MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.28
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 ngaio-fd
  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2007-03-18 13:48:18
  Read Pool:              "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Read Storage:           "File" (From Pool resource)
  Write Pool:             "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Write Storage:          "DLT" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
  Start time:             20-Nov-2008 23:45:07
  End time:               20-Nov-2008 23:45:07
  Elapsed time:           0 secs
  Priority:               10
  SD Files Written:       0
  SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  Volume name(s):
  Volume Session Id:      0
  Volume Session Time:    0
  Last Volume Bytes:      0 (0 B)
  SD Errors:              0
  SD termination status:
  Termination:            Migration -- no files to migrate

20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23356
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23356 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23357: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 16426
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23357: Migration using JobId=16426 Job=ngaio.2008-02-08_05.55.28
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23357: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23357:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23357: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23357:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23357:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23357:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23358: No prior Full backup Job record found.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23358: No prior or suitable Full backup found in catalog. 
Doing FULL backup.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23357
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23357 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23359: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 16354
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23359: Migration using JobId=16354 Job=ngaio.2008-02-04_21.25.59
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23359: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23359:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23359: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23359:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23359:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23359:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23360: No prior Full backup Job record found.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23360: No prior or suitable Full backup found in catalog. 
Doing FULL backup.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23359
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23359 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23361: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 16355
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23361: Migration using JobId=16355 Job=bast.2008-02-04_21.25.00
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23361: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23361:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23361: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23361:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23361:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23361:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23361: Fatal error: Previous Job resource not found for "bast".
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23361: Bacula bacula-dir 2.4.3 (10Oct08): 20-Nov-2008 23:45:07
  Build OS:               i386-portbld-freebsd6.3 freebsd 6.3-STABLE
  Prev Backup JobId:      16355
  New Backup JobId:       0
  Migration JobId:        23361
  Migration Job:          MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.33
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 ngaio-fd
  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2007-03-18 13:48:18
  Read Pool:              "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Read Storage:           "File" (From Pool resource)
  Write Pool:             "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Write Storage:          "DLT" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
  Start time:             20-Nov-2008 23:45:07
  End time:               20-Nov-2008 23:45:07
  Elapsed time:           0 secs
  Priority:               10
  SD Files Written:       0
  SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  Volume name(s):
  Volume Session Id:      0
  Volume Session Time:    0
  Last Volume Bytes:      0 (0 B)
  SD Errors:              0
  SD termination status:
  Termination:            Migration -- no files to migrate

20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23361
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23361 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23362: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 16361
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23362: Migration using JobId=16361 Job=nebula.2008-02-04_22.48.15
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23362: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23362:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23362: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23362:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23362:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23362:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23362
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23362 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23364: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 16389
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23364: Migration using JobId=16389 Job=nyi.2008-02-06_05.55.35
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23364: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23364:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23364: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23364:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23364:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23364:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23364
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23364 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23366: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 16390
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23366: Migration using JobId=16390 Job=nebula.2008-02-06_05.55.36
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23366: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23366:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23366: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23366:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23366:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23366:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23366
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23366 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23368: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 16408
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23368: Migration using JobId=16408 Job=nyi.2008-02-07_05.55.32
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23368: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23368:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23368: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23368:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23368:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23368:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23368
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23368 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23370: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 16409
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23370: Migration using JobId=16409 Job=nebula.2008-02-07_05.55.33
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23370: Bootstrap records written to 

20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23370:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23370: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23370:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23370:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23370:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23370
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23370 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23372: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 16427
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23372: Migration using JobId=16427 Job=nyi.2008-02-08_05.55.29
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23372: Bootstrap records written to /

20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23372:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23372: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23372:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23372:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23372:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Job queued. JobId=23372
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration JobId 23372 started.
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Migration using JobId=16428 Job=nebula.2008-02-08_05.55.30
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325:    FILE-0005            File             FileStorage
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23325:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23328: Start Migration JobId 23328, 
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23328: Using Device "DLT"
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-sd JobId 23328: Warning: acquire.c:221 Read open device "FileStorage"
(/bacula-volumes/bacula/volumes) Volume "FILE-0005" failed: ERR=dev.c:490
Could not open:
/bacula-volumes/bacula/volumes/FILE-0005, ERR=No such file or directory

20-Nov 23:45 bacula-sd JobId 23328: Please mount Volume "FILE-0005" for:
    Job:          MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.00
    Storage:      "FileStorage" (/bacula-volumes/bacula/volumes)
    Pool:         FilePool
    Media type:   File
*mount storage=FileStorage
Storage resource "FileStorage": not found
The defined Storage resources are:
     1: File
     2: FileRemote
     3: FileRemoteTLS
     4: DLT
     5: DLTRemote
     6: DLTRemoteTLS
Select Storage resource (1-6): 1
3001 OK mount. Device="FileStorage" (/bacula-volumes/bacula/volumes)
You have messages.
20-Nov 23:46 bacula-sd JobId 23328: Ready to read from volume "FILE-0005" 
on device "FileStorage" (/bacula-volumes/bacula/volumes).
20-Nov 23:46 bacula-sd JobId 23328: Forward spacing Volume "FILE-0005" to 
file:block 2:3816305908.
*st dir
bacula-dir Version: 2.4.3 (10 October 2008) i386-portbld-freebsd6.3 freebsd 6.3-STABLE
Daemon started 11-Oct-08 21:33, 1086 Jobs run since started.
 Heap: heap=2,236,416 smbytes=610,341 max_bytes=624,670 bufs=3,224 max_bufs=3,302

Scheduled Jobs:
Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Name               Volume
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 00:00    nyi maildir        DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 02:00    nyi maildir        DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 04:00    nyi maildir        DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    10  21-Nov-08 05:55    wocker             DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    10  21-Nov-08 05:55    polo               DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    10  21-Nov-08 05:55    ngaio basic        DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    10  21-Nov-08 05:55    macbook            DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    10  21-Nov-08 05:55    ngaio              DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    10  21-Nov-08 05:55    polo basic         DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    10  21-Nov-08 05:55    bast home          DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    10  21-Nov-08 05:55    bast basic         DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 05:55    nyi                DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 05:55    nebula             DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 06:00    nyi maildir        DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 08:00    nyi maildir        DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 08:15    supernews          DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 08:15    latens home        DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 08:15    latens basic       DLT7000-001152
Full           Backup   100  21-Nov-08 08:15    BackupCatalog      DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 10:00    nyi maildir        DLT7000-001152
Differential   Backup    20  21-Nov-08 12:01    nyi maildir        DLT7000-001152
Full           Backup    20  21-Nov-08 12:01    nyi maildir tarball DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 16:00    nyi maildir        DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 18:00    nyi maildir        DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 20:00    nyi maildir        DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 22:00    nyi maildir        DLT7000-001152

Running Jobs:
 JobId Level   Name                       Status
 23325 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.57 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23328 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.00 is running
 23329 Full    ngaio.2008-11-20_23.45.01 is running
 23331 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.03 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23332 Increme  nyi.2008-11-20_23.45.04 is waiting execution
 23333 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.05 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23334 Increme  nebula.2008-11-20_23.45.06 is waiting execution
 23336 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.08 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23337 Full    ngaio.2008-11-20_23.45.09 is waiting execution
 23340 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.12 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23341 Increme  m21.2008-11-20_23.45.13 is waiting execution
 23344 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.16 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23345 Increme  m21.2008-11-20_23.45.17 is waiting execution
 23349 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.21 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23350 Increme  m21.2008-11-20_23.45.22 is waiting execution
 23351 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.23 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23352 Increme  nyi.2008-11-20_23.45.24 is waiting execution
 23354 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.26 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23355 Full    ngaio.2008-11-20_23.45.27 is waiting execution
 23357 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.29 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23358 Full    ngaio.2008-11-20_23.45.30 is waiting execution
 23359 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.31 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23360 Full    ngaio.2008-11-20_23.45.32 is waiting execution
 23362 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.34 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23363 Increme  nebula.2008-11-20_23.45.35 is waiting execution
 23364 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.36 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23365 Increme  nyi.2008-11-20_23.45.37 is waiting execution
 23366 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.38 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23367 Increme  nebula.2008-11-20_23.45.39 is waiting execution
 23368 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.40 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23369 Increme  nyi.2008-11-20_23.45.41 is waiting execution
 23370 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.42 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23371 Increme  nebula.2008-11-20_23.45.43 is waiting execution
 23372 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.44 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23373 Increme  nyi.2008-11-20_23.45.45 is waiting execution
 23374 Increme  nebula.2008-11-20_23.45.46 is waiting execution

Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  Level    Files      Bytes   Status   Finished        Name
 23348  Full          0         0   Error    20-Nov-08 23:45 MigrateDiskToTape
 23347  Full          0         0   Error    20-Nov-08 23:45 MigrateDiskToTape
 23346  Full          0         0   Error    20-Nov-08 23:45 MigrateDiskToTape
 23343  Full          0         0   Error    20-Nov-08 23:45 MigrateDiskToTape
 23342  Full          0         0   Error    20-Nov-08 23:45 MigrateDiskToTape
 23339  Full          0         0   Error    20-Nov-08 23:45 MigrateDiskToTape
 23338  Full          0         0   Error    20-Nov-08 23:45 MigrateDiskToTape
 23335  Full          0         0   Error    20-Nov-08 23:45 MigrateDiskToTape
 23330  Full          0         0   Error    20-Nov-08 23:45 MigrateDiskToTape
 23327  Full          0         0   Error    20-Nov-08 23:45 MigrateDiskToTape

*st dir
bacula-dir Version: 2.4.3 (10 October 2008) i386-portbld-freebsd6.3 freebsd 6.3-STABLE
Daemon started 11-Oct-08 21:33, 1086 Jobs run since started.
 Heap: heap=2,236,416 smbytes=610,341 max_bytes=624,670 bufs=3,224 max_bufs=3,302

Scheduled Jobs:
Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Name               Volume
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 00:00    nyi maildir        DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 02:00    nyi maildir        DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 04:00    nyi maildir        DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    10  21-Nov-08 05:55    wocker             DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    10  21-Nov-08 05:55    polo               DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    10  21-Nov-08 05:55    ngaio basic        DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    10  21-Nov-08 05:55    macbook            DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    10  21-Nov-08 05:55    ngaio              DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    10  21-Nov-08 05:55    polo basic         DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    10  21-Nov-08 05:55    bast home          DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    10  21-Nov-08 05:55    bast basic         DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 05:55    nyi                DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 05:55    nebula             DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 06:00    nyi maildir        DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 08:00    nyi maildir        DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 08:15    supernews          DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 08:15    latens home        DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 08:15    latens basic       DLT7000-001152
Full           Backup   100  21-Nov-08 08:15    BackupCatalog      DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 10:00    nyi maildir        DLT7000-001152
Differential   Backup    20  21-Nov-08 12:01    nyi maildir        DLT7000-001152
Full           Backup    20  21-Nov-08 12:01    nyi maildir tarball DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 16:00    nyi maildir        DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 18:00    nyi maildir        DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 20:00    nyi maildir        DLT7000-001152
Incremental    Backup    20  21-Nov-08 22:00    nyi maildir        DLT7000-001152

Running Jobs:
 JobId Level   Name                       Status
 23325 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.57 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23328 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.00 is running
 23329 Full    ngaio.2008-11-20_23.45.01 is running
 23331 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.03 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23332 Increme  nyi.2008-11-20_23.45.04 is waiting execution
 23333 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.05 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23334 Increme  nebula.2008-11-20_23.45.06 is waiting execution
 23336 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.08 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23337 Full    ngaio.2008-11-20_23.45.09 is waiting execution
 23340 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.12 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23341 Increme  m21.2008-11-20_23.45.13 is waiting execution
 23344 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.16 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23345 Increme  m21.2008-11-20_23.45.17 is waiting execution
 23349 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.21 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23350 Increme  m21.2008-11-20_23.45.22 is waiting execution
 23351 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.23 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23352 Increme  nyi.2008-11-20_23.45.24 is waiting execution
 23354 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.26 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23355 Full    ngaio.2008-11-20_23.45.27 is waiting execution
 23357 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.29 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23358 Full    ngaio.2008-11-20_23.45.30 is waiting execution
 23359 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.31 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23360 Full    ngaio.2008-11-20_23.45.32 is waiting execution
 23362 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.34 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23363 Increme  nebula.2008-11-20_23.45.35 is waiting execution
 23364 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.36 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23365 Increme  nyi.2008-11-20_23.45.37 is waiting execution
 23366 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.38 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23367 Increme  nebula.2008-11-20_23.45.39 is waiting execution
 23368 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.40 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23369 Increme  nyi.2008-11-20_23.45.41 is waiting execution
 23370 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.42 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23371 Increme  nebula.2008-11-20_23.45.43 is waiting execution
 23372 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.44 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23373 Increme  nyi.2008-11-20_23.45.45 is waiting execution
 23374 Increme  nebula.2008-11-20_23.45.46 is waiting execution

Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  Level    Files      Bytes   Status   Finished        Name
 23348  Full          0         0   Error    20-Nov-08 23:45 MigrateDiskToTape
 23347  Full          0         0   Error    20-Nov-08 23:45 MigrateDiskToTape
 23346  Full          0         0   Error    20-Nov-08 23:45 MigrateDiskToTape
 23343  Full          0         0   Error    20-Nov-08 23:45 MigrateDiskToTape
 23342  Full          0         0   Error    20-Nov-08 23:45 MigrateDiskToTape
 23339  Full          0         0   Error    20-Nov-08 23:45 MigrateDiskToTape
 23338  Full          0         0   Error    20-Nov-08 23:45 MigrateDiskToTape
 23335  Full          0         0   Error    20-Nov-08 23:45 MigrateDiskToTape
 23330  Full          0         0   Error    20-Nov-08 23:45 MigrateDiskToTape
 23327  Full          0         0   Error    20-Nov-08 23:45 MigrateDiskToTape

You have no messages.

You will notice a number of jobs that terminated with “Migration — no files to migrate”. I am not sure why there are no files to migrate. I suspect it is because those jobs have been superseded by other jobs, but I am not positive.

You may wonder why the file-based Volume was not available. It was moved to another location within the filesystem. I created a symlink back to the original location and ran a mount command (mount storage=FileStorage) and the jobs proceeded.

Right now, the jobs are running. It is 7:18 PM. The output of “status dir” includes the following:

Running Jobs:
 JobId Level   Name                       Status
 23325 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.57 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23328 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.00 is running
 23329 Full    ngaio.2008-11-20_23.45.01 is running
 23331 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.03 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23332 Increme  nyi.2008-11-20_23.45.04 is waiting execution
 23333 Full    MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.05 is waiting on max Storage jobs
 23334 Increme  nebula.2008-11-20_23.45.06 is waiting execution

You will see that two jobs are running. That’s one job reading, and one job writing.

If I look at status storage, I see, in part:

Device status:
Device "FileStorage" (/bacula-volumes/bacula/volumes) is mounted with:
    Volume:      FILE-0005
    Pool:        *unknown*
    Media type:  File
    Total Bytes Read=25,649,584,128 Blocks Read=397,594 Bytes/block=64,512
    Positioned at File=8 Block=3,694,447,895
Device "DLT" (/dev/nsa0) is mounted with:
    Volume:      DLT7000-001152
    Pool:        Default
    Media type:  DLT
    Total Bytes=3,137,025,024 Blocks=48,626 Bytes/block=64,513
    Positioned at File=7 Block=10,621

Used Volume status:
DLT7000-001152 on device "DLT" (/dev/nsa0)
    Reader=0 writers=1 devres=0 volinuse=1
FILE-0005 on device "FileStorage" (/bacula-volumes/bacula/volumes)
    Reader=1 writers=0 devres=0 volinuse=1

It is now 7:32 PM. The first job has finished:

20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23328: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to
be migrated: 16369
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23328: Migration using JobId=16369
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23328: Bootstrap records written to
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23328:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23328: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23328:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23328:    FILE-0005                 File
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23328:
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23328: Start Migration JobId 23328,
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-dir JobId 23328: Using Device "DLT"
20-Nov 23:45 bacula-sd JobId 23328: Warning: acquire.c:221 Read open device
"FileStorage" (/bacula-volumes/bacula/volumes) Volume "FILE-0005" failed:
ERR=dev.c:490 Could not open: /bacula-volumes/bacula/volumes/FILE-0005,
ERR=No such file or directory

20-Nov 23:45 bacula-sd JobId 23328: Please mount Volume "FILE-0005" for:
    Job:          MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.00
    Storage:      "FileStorage" (/bacula-volumes/bacula/volumes)
    Pool:         FilePool
    Media type:   File
20-Nov 23:46 bacula-sd JobId 23328: Ready to read from volume "FILE-0005" on
device "FileStorage" (/bacula-volumes/bacula/volumes).
20-Nov 23:46 bacula-sd JobId 23328: Forward spacing Volume "FILE-0005" to
file:block 2:3816305908.
21-Nov 00:25 bacula-sd JobId 23328: End of file 9 on device "FileStorage"
(/bacula-volumes/bacula/volumes), Volume "FILE-0005"
21-Nov 00:25 bacula-sd JobId 23328: End of Volume at file 9 on device
"FileStorage" (/bacula-volumes/bacula/volumes), Volume "FILE-0005"
21-Nov 00:25 bacula-sd JobId 23328: End of all volumes.
21-Nov 00:25 bacula-sd JobId 23328: Sending spooled attrs to the Director.
Despooling 132,512 bytes ...
21-Nov 00:25 bacula-dir JobId 23328: Bacula bacula-dir 2.4.3 (10Oct08):
21-Nov-2008 00:25:44
  Build OS:               i386-portbld-freebsd6.3 freebsd 6.3-STABLE
  Prev Backup JobId:      16369
  New Backup JobId:       23329
  Migration JobId:        23328
  Migration Job:          MigrateDiskToTape.2008-11-20_23.45.00
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 ngaio-fd
  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2007-03-18 13:48:18
  Read Pool:              "FilePool" (From Job resource)
  Read Storage:           "File" (From Pool resource)
  Write Pool:             "Default" (From Job Pool's NextPool resource)
  Write Storage:          "DLT" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
  Start time:             20-Nov-2008 23:45:11
  End time:               21-Nov-2008 00:25:44
  Elapsed time:           40 mins 33 secs
  Priority:               10
  SD Files Written:       386
  SD Bytes Written:       2,683,094,550 (2.683 GB)
  Rate:                   1102.8 KB/s
  Volume name(s):         DLT7000-001152
  Volume Session Id:      1010
  Volume Session Time:    1223757225
  Last Volume Bytes:      3,137,089,536 (3.137 GB)
  SD Errors:              0
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Migration OK

21-Nov 00:25 bacula-dir JobId 23328: Begin pruning Jobs.
21-Nov 00:25 bacula-dir JobId 23328: Pruned 224 Jobs for client ngaio-fd
from catalog.
21-Nov 00:25 bacula-dir JobId 23328: Begin pruning Files.
21-Nov 00:25 bacula-dir JobId 23328: Pruned Files from 2 Jobs for client
ngaio-fd from catalog.
21-Nov 00:25 bacula-dir JobId 23328: End auto prune.

The next day

It’s not the next day. It’s nearly a week later now. The jobs did finish overnight, but I didn’t write anything then. The migrations worked as planned, but I have not tried to restore anything from the new location. I have since deleted the original archive and I have much more disk space now.

I have other file-based backups that I should move to tape. Given that I am away from home for several days in December, I think it’s a good idea to free up some of the disk space. I’m going to need it.

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