Author name: Dan Langille

Forwarding mail in mbox to elsewhere

Yesterday I was setting up a new server for a client / friend. During the setup, we had a brief period wherein mail was delivered to mbox instead of to Maildir. That is, we had mail sitting in /var/mail/USER instead of ~USER/Maildir, for a number of values of USER. At first, I tried using formail and procmail to send it to the local user. I did this using a method I found using […]

Forwarding mail in mbox to elsewhere Read More »

PGCon 2013 call for papers

The PGCon 2013 Call for papers is out. It’s been out for over two weeks. Had you heard about it already? If you have not already submitted, please do so. The deadline for submissions (19 Jan) is just over a month away. That time will fly past. Please don’t leave it to the last minute. If you are doing something interesting with PostgreSQL, please submit a proposal. You might be one of the

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Adding Nagios checks for tape drives / libraries

I use Bacula for my backups. Most of my backups are done to disk, then copied to tape. I have long liked the idea of having multiple backups on different media. On a regular basis, I move the FULL backup tapes to an offsite location. This is standard practice and highly recommended if you can do it. I don’t use the latest and greatest tape drives. I’m using DLT drives. I like them

Adding Nagios checks for tape drives / libraries Read More »

Bacula? Why you no mount?

From this morning: $ bconsole Connecting to Director 1000 OK: bacula-dir Version: 5.2.6 (21 February 2012) Enter a period to cancel a command. *mount storage=DigitalTapeLibrary slot=1 3001 OK mount requested. Specified slot ignored. Device=”DTL01″ (/dev/nsa0) And nothing mounts… But…. *mount storage=DigitalTapeLibrary slot=1 3001 OK mount requested. Specified slot ignored. Device=”DTL01″ (/dev/nsa0) Eh? OK, backups are running again… *m 14-Dec 11:39 bacula-dir JobId 114017: Recycled volume “ETU137” 14-Dec 11:39 bacula-dir JobId 114017: Using

Bacula? Why you no mount? Read More »

Syncing my Google stuff with my Apple stuff

I use Google calendar for a number of things. I also have my contacts in Google. I also use Google Mail, but also run a person mail server. So… I want to see my Google contacts on my phone and I want to see my Google calendars there too. There are a number of ways to do this. This documents how I did this on my iPhone 5. I use, and encourage you

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Multi-site WordPress installation

I use WordPress for three websites: (this website) This also mean I have WordPress installed three times. Recently, I looked at moving to multi-site WordPress. I failed. Or rather, I abandoned the process. My goals: have one instance of WordPress for all three website have each blog available via both https Option 1 is to reduce the work required when upgrading WordPress and plugins. Option 2 is to ensure I

Multi-site WordPress installation Read More »

Hardcoding device names

This article talks about FreeBSD 8.2 and how device names might change when you add new devices to an existing system. The other day, when I was telling you about the new tape library, one of the important bits was the device names. The existing tape drive was sa0. The new one was sa1. That’s good. But today, after a system reboot, the tape drives are renumbered. Here is what I had: Today,

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Testing a tape library

As recently written, I have acquired a tape library with a 15-tape magazine. It contains a DLT-8000 tape drive which, although it is no longer state-of-the-art, is a step up from the DLT-7000 I am currently using. Today, I will try using this unit for the first time. I’ll do a simple write, try changing tapes, etc. I’ll be using my previous postings on this topic, such as one on using tape libraries

Testing a tape library Read More »

Adding a new tape library

Recently, I rearranged the bottom shelf of my rack and rotated the DEC library 90°. Then I placed a new [to me] Overland DLT MinilibraryXpress (model LXM8115). I plugged the cable from my server into the Overland unit and daisy-chained that to the DEC library. The grey cable which leads up and out of the photo leads to the server. The cable which leads slightly up and to the left and then loops

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cannot open SCSI device ‘/dev/pass11’ – Permission denied

Right after getting my SCSI cable problems fixed, I was all set to run some Bacula jobs. They immediately started failing: 27-Nov 12:59 bacula-dir JobId 112458: Start Copying JobId 112458, Job=CopyToTape-Diff.2012-11-27_12.58.05_08 27-Nov 12:59 bacula-dir JobId 112458: Using Device “DTL01” 27-Nov 12:59 kraken-sd JobId 112458: Ready to read from volume “DiffAuto-2357” on device “MegaFile” (/storage/compressed/bacula/volumes). 27-Nov 12:59 kraken-sd JobId 112458: 3301 Issuing autochanger “loaded? drive 0” command. 27-Nov 12:59 kraken-sd JobId 112458: 3991 Bad

cannot open SCSI device ‘/dev/pass11’ – Permission denied Read More »

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