Monday – what really happened?

Today was the first day I stayed in bed past 8AM since I arrived in Ottawa two weeks ago. It was also the first night I’ve had more than 7 hours sleep. I am not counting the time spent sick in bed just before BSDCan. That wasn’t really sleeping. It was more like short periods of slumber interspersed with difficult periods of pain.

I spent the morning reconciling about 8 PGCon payments with registrations. I also emailed some of the volunteers setting up the meeting time for tomorrow morning. I’ve also arranged the tote-bag stuffing for Wednesday afternoon.

I refunded an attendee who registered (twice) then paid, but decided to not attend. I emailed three coporate attendees who have paid but not registered.

I dealt with some PGCon Dev Summit concerns over transport and the weather.

I received clarification from a sponsor with regards to material being shipped.

I helped an attendee find their hotel when all they had was a reservation number.

I answered some email from BSDCan attendees who thanked me for a wonderful conference.

I sent out some email to tutorial attendees on behalf of their tutor.

I emailed the general PGCon population letting them know the location of the tutorials.

I had lunch with a speaker and helped him deal with material distribution issues after finding that there will be no copy centers open today (a holiday). Solution: we bought USB drives at The Rideau Center, which is open today despite the holiday.

Right now, I’m back at my Starbucks, typing away. After this, I’ll be thinking about what needs to be done next. I’m pretty much caught up.

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