The following query pulls back the speakers and their travel:
SELECT distinct,, CP.conference_person_id, arrival_from, arrival_to, arrival_number, arrival_date, arrival_time, departure_from, departure_to, departure_number, departure_date, departure_time FROM event E, view_event_person P, view_mail_all_speaker S, conference_person CP, conference_person_travel CPT WHERE E.event_id = P.event_id AND P.person_id = S.person_id AND E.conference_id = 7 AND CP.conference_id = E.conference_id AND E.event_state = 'accepted' AND E.event_state_progress NOT IN ('rejected', 'canceled') AND P.event_role_name = 'Speaker' AND S.person_id = CP.person_id AND CPT.conference_person_id = CP.conference_person_id ORDER BY 1;
It seems that Planet PostgreSQL has changed how it is taking my feed. Sorry about that. I’m working with Planet to get that fixed. Only posts that have been tagged with PostgreSQL, as opposed to posted in the PostgreSQL category, should be appearing on Planet.