
Moving some ZFS filesystems to the ‘trash’ and removing all their snapshots – sanoid

I recently discovered that you can delete all snapshot from a ZFS filesystem with a single command. It came to me via fortune: You can delete a range of ZFS snapshots (a-z) in multiple ways. The following will delete d and all earlier snapshots: zfs destroy mypool/data@%d To delete d and all later snapshots: zfs destroy mypool/data@d% To delete all dataset snapshots: zfs destroy mypool/data@% Make sure to let ZFS perform a dry […]

Moving some ZFS filesystems to the ‘trash’ and removing all their snapshots – sanoid Read More »

Changing from one dataset to another within a FreeBSD [iocage] jail

ZFS has a the ability to share itself within a jail. That gives the jail some autonomy, and I like that. I’ve written briefly about that, specifically for iocage. More recently, I started using a zfs snapshot for caching clearing. The purpose of this post is to document the existing configuration of the production FreshPorts webserver and outline the plan on how to modify it for more zfs-snapshot-based cache clearing. The current configuration

Changing from one dataset to another within a FreeBSD [iocage] jail Read More »

bectl details

This is just a placeholder for me to find this later. I was cleaning up some old snapshots. I’m not sure I should have removed those snapshots and I’m saving this here for next time I use bectl. [dan@slocum:~] $ grep -v autosnap ~/tmp/snapshots/snapshots zroot/bootenv/default@2020-01-11-18:16:51 zroot/bootenv/default/tmp@2020-01-11-18:16:51 zroot/bootenv/default/usr@2020-01-11-18:16:51 zroot/bootenv/default/usr/local@2020-01-11-18:16:51 zroot/bootenv/default/usr/obj@2020-01-11-18:16:51 zroot/bootenv/default/usr/src@2020-01-11-18:16:51 zroot/bootenv/default/var@2020-01-11-18:16:51 zroot/bootenv/default/var/audit@2020-01-11-18:16:51 zroot/bootenv/default/var/empty@2020-01-11-18:16:51 zroot/bootenv/default/var/log@2020-01-11-18:16:51 zroot/bootenv/default/var/tmp@2020-01-11-18:16:51 [dan@slocum:~] $ sudo zfs destroy zroot/bootenv/default/var/tmp@2020-01-11-18:16:51 [dan@slocum:~] $ sudo zfs destroy zroot/bootenv/default/var/log@2020-01-11-18:16:51 [dan@slocum:~] $ sudo zfs destroy zroot/bootenv/default/var/empty@2020-01-11-18:16:51

bectl details Read More »

zfstools & sanoid – snapshots on the local host

I’m going to implement zfstools on all my ZFS-based hosts today. I first started using this tool in July 2019. In this post: FreeBSD 12.0 and 12.1 zfstools 0.3.6_1 sanoid-2.0.1_2 Local snapshots only I will be using zfstool only for creating local snapshots. If I wanted snapshots for sending to other hosts, I would probably use a tool such as sysutils/sanoid, which is policy-driven solution for snapshot management and replication. For now, there

zfstools & sanoid – snapshots on the local host Read More »

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