Mountain Bikes


The smartmontools package contains two utility programs (smartctl and smartd) to control and monitor storage systems using the Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology System (SMART) built into most modern ATA and SCSI harddisks. In many cases, these utilities will provide advanced warning of disk degradation and failure. (The above shamelessly taken from the supplied URL). I just installed it: cd /usr/ports/sysutils/smartmontools/ && make install clean Then I set up the configuration file, with […]

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Tower Case with a cheaper faster CPU

I recently wrote about a tower case solution which sliced $500 off the cost. Last night we found an ASUS m/b for a Phenom II which supports ECC. This will be a cheaper faster solution. I will, however, have to buy a NIC. This NIC runs a Realtek chipset. No thanks. LIAN LI PC-A71F Black Aluminum ATX Full Tower Computer Case $240 (from mwave) Silencer 610 EPS12V from PC Power and Cooling for

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Pentabarf – seeing the speakers

Both BSDCan and PGCon use Pentabarf for accepting and reviewing proposals for talks. An issue raised in 2009 highlighted the ability to see the speaker name when review the list of submissions. It is a bit of very useful information. This year, I’ve found out that we can see that vital data. Provided the speaker role has been set to confirmed. I think Pentabarf design assumes that you have created a talk, and

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New Zealand Mountain biking

I lived in New Zealand from 1985-2001. I haven’t been back since. It’s time. The plan: March-April 2010, two weeks. Not nearly enough time for a proper holiday or visit, but we’ll hit the hottest trails. This should be a blast. We plan to do 8-10 rides in that time. We’ll see. I hope to document as much as I can. I just ordered the mountain biking book to help with some of

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Biff + stitches

I biffed last night. Hard. It was in Wissahickon. Fortunately, the injuries will heal and no scars will be visible, unless I want them to. It was entirely my fault. I sat where I should have stood and got tossed over the bars. I was going too fast too. :) I have four, maybe five stitches in my right elbow, one stitch in my right knee, a severely bruised left thigh, and lots

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16 riders and a broken seat bolt

We had our weekly Pennypack Park ride tonight. Sixteen people turned up. In all we had several new faces and lots of regulars all converging on the best single track inside Philadelphia city boundaries. I arrived about 5:45 after picking up my bike from Guy’s. It had a new cluster and was finely tuned for good shifting. In the parking lot as I prepared for the ride, I recalled mentioning to Dimitri on

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The weekend – Mexican, bikes, BBQ, train, nun

This weekend has been much better than last weekend. Friday night I went for Mexican food in Chalfont. Saturday morning I met up with Tom from Reading and we rode Salisbury up near Bethleham, PA, which is about an hour north of my place. I was late leaving, and Tom called me to make sure I was on my way. He did a short loop while I continued my trek north. At 9:20

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Portland Mountain Bike Scene

I am in Portland OR attending OSCON 2008, I’ve brought my mountain bike. On Saturday, I had the amazing Siouxon Creek Trail ride with Gabrielle. Last night (Monday), she led me to the Portland Mountain Bike Short Track Series 2008. This was race 5 of 6. The event is held at a motor raceway. At the same time the mountain bikers are inside the oval, doing the cross country, the roadies are on

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