
Stuff about FreshPorts.

mounting the FreshPorts chroot within a jail

In my work on FreshPorts, I’ve learned more than the average non-committer about the FreeBSD ports tree and its oddities. Just about everything learns about a port it gets from ‘make -V’. Even this method can be fraught with difficulty. In an attempt to get the fairest information possible, FreshPorts uses a chroot solution, first proposed by Ryan Steinmetz . Previous posts about this particular solution can be found in the FreshPorts blog. […]

mounting the FreshPorts chroot within a jail Read More »

Using Bacula in a jail

I use FreeBSD. I’ve used it since 1998. For me, it does good stuff, reliably, and predictably. The community is very supportive and helpful. That goes a long way when choosing your open source operating system. Included within FreeBSD, since FreeBSD 4.0 in March 2000, is a great tool for separating out services and to provide a virtualization strategy: jails. Some will argue that jails are not virtualization. I contend that it’s a

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ZFS: raidz2 with 8 or 10 disks?

The traditional thoughts on ZFS are to have arrays which are a power-of-2 when it comes to number of disks. That means 2, 4, 8, etc. But for raidz1, that would be 3, 5, 9. For my choice of raidz2, it would be 4, 6, and 10. In the system I’m building up now, I have an 8-port LSI SATA/SAS 9211-8i 6Gb/s card. I can add two more HDD by attaching them to

ZFS: raidz2 with 8 or 10 disks? Read More »

Sending out a URL for password reset

Quite some time ago, FreshPorts and The FreeBSD Diary both moved from clear text passwords to password hashes. As such, you are no longer able to recover your password. You had to email me. This is extra work for everyone. Let us automate this. The first, step, is a table: create table user_password_reset( user_id int not null, date_requested timestamp with time zone default (‘now’::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone, ip_address inet not null, token text

Sending out a URL for password reset Read More »

A simple nested loop

In a previous post, I wrote about a suspected LIMIT problem. It turns out that suspicion proved correct. The solution was to move to a nested query which limits the underlying data and then allows the outer query to grab all the associated fluff that surrounds it. Here is the fix to the original code: $ cvs di -ub commits_by_committer.php Index: commits_by_committer.php =================================================================== RCS file: /home/repositories/freshports-1/classes/commits_by_committer.php,v retrieving revision 1.3 diff -u -b -r1.3

A simple nested loop Read More »

How many FreshPorts accounts are enough?

I found this interesting. The usual FreshPorts logging indicated an unusual number of account creations in a short amount of time. So I went looking. I found one IP address had created 20 logins. SELECT ip_address, count(ip_address) FROM users GROUP BY ip_address ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 2; ip_address | count —————+——- | 1203 | 38 (2 rows) Ignore that That indicates a

How many FreshPorts accounts are enough? Read More »

Pentabarf – seeing the speakers

Both BSDCan and PGCon use Pentabarf for accepting and reviewing proposals for talks. An issue raised in 2009 highlighted the ability to see the speaker name when review the list of submissions. It is a bit of very useful information. This year, I’ve found out that we can see that vital data. Provided the speaker role has been set to confirmed. I think Pentabarf design assumes that you have created a talk, and

Pentabarf – seeing the speakers Read More »

SVN commits now available

The SVN commits are now available for viewing. At present, only the FreeBSD src tree is working through SVN. Therefore, the easiest way for you to see those commits is through the FreshSource interface. That link takes you to the SVN version. You will notice that the src commits are duplicated. This was not done intentionally. However, it is fortunate in it allows for easy fact checking. This error is possible only because

SVN commits now available Read More »

Good bye IPsec. Hello OpenVPN.

I’ve been playing with OpenVPN since mid December. I like it. I like it better than IPsec. Why? Because OpenVPN can give me direct access to all my systems wherever I am. I can cvsup from my cvsup server at home from a hotel in Toledo (if I’m ever there). IPsec can do that. But it is much more complex to set up. OpenVPN is pretty simple. At present, my wireless gateway is

Good bye IPsec. Hello OpenVPN. Read More »

Burst and Google make a good team

Just about everyone has been putting ads on their websites. I’ve been with BurstMedia since early 1999. They are very reliable. Their cheques have always arrived on time and I have never had reason to question their results. Then Google AdSense arrived. I started using AdSense in April 2006. I was still using Burst, but added AdSense as a personal campaign. That is, if Burst could not fill a particular ad slot, AdSense

Burst and Google make a good team Read More »

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