Clearing-out multiple drives concurrently – while Watching Fargo Season 5

It is time to let the knew server go. It has gone through multiple upgrades, new drives, new boards, and new chassis. It has been replaced by r730-03. Before I let it go, I want to clear off the drives. By that I mean: I did this by booting the host using mfBSD (a lovely […]

Clearing-out multiple drives concurrently – while Watching Fargo Season 5 Read More »

Creating a Time Capsule instance using Samba, FreeBSD, and ZFS (latest)

This is a rewrite of a previous post on the same subject. I have rewritten it because I created a new jail ™ and I’m using a different configuration now. I recently moved a Time Capsule instance from a FreeBSD host into a jail. Later, I moved to using Samba instead of AFP. Why? Samba

Creating a Time Capsule instance using Samba, FreeBSD, and ZFS (latest) Read More »

FreeBSD jailed ZFS datasets – how do I find the .zfs/snapshot directory?

On FreeBSD, you can jail a ZFS dataset – that is, the jail can manipulate the ZFS dataset as if it was a host (more or less). This has useful applications. In my case, I want to backup a snapshot of that dataset from the host. For example, I want to backup this dataset: [12:19

FreeBSD jailed ZFS datasets – how do I find the .zfs/snapshot directory? Read More »

Debugging snmp output when using LibreNMS

Librenms is my tool-of-choice for grabbing metrics from switches, servers, wireless access points, and anything else with an snmp interface. In this post: FreeBSD 14.0 LibrenMS 23.11.0,1 – updated to 23.11.0_1,1 within this post net-snmp-5.9.1_4,1 After updating some hosts to FreeBSD 14, the zfs application/extension broke. It was quickly amended after a report was lodged.

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ntpd[66134]: leapsecond file (‘/var/db/ntpd.leap-seconds.list’): will expire in less than 9 days

If you’ve been watching your logs, you’ve probably noticed messages like this: In this post: FreeBSD 14.0 ntpd .2.8p16-a (included with the base OS) There are several FreeBSD PR lodged, the most relevant (to me) is ntpd: leap-seconds.list should not run inside jails, and IETF is no longer hosting it. The fix I am using:

ntpd[66134]: leapsecond file (‘/var/db/ntpd.leap-seconds.list’): will expire in less than 9 days Read More »

Avoiding repetition within jail configurations

Without resorting to configuration tools, such as Ansible, I wonder if there is an easy way to avoid repeating a list of datasets within a jail configuration. First, some facts: FreeBSD 14.0 I use plain vanilla jails I know this can be easily scripted with a configuration tool; that is out of scope for this

Avoiding repetition within jail configurations Read More »

Post upgrade – checking the jails

Stuff goes wrong. I like to check. Trust. But. Verify. Skip to the end for the list of useful commands. Here’s some of that verification, as briefly mentioned in FreeBSD 14 upgrade – files not removed by delete-old and Excluding some jails from upgrade. After upgrading all the jails on r730-01, I wanted to make

Post upgrade – checking the jails Read More »

FreeBSD 14 upgrade – files not removed by delete-old

I was upgrading a jail (dns1) on r730-01 and I noticed this output from mkjail: In this post: FreeBSD 13.2 (upgrading from) FreeBSD 14.0 (upgrading to) mkjail-0.0.4 (upgrading with) EDIT: 2023-12-05 : This happened again when I updated the tallboy host. Looking at the mkjail source, I realized it had just completed the pkg upgrade

FreeBSD 14 upgrade – files not removed by delete-old Read More »

Figuring out the upgrade path for AWS RDS from PostgreSQL 12.14 to PostgreSQL 16.1

These are my notes on figuring out an upgrade path for the FreshPorts PostgreSQL 12.14 database hosted on Amazon RDS. Most of this is based on Upgrading the PostgreSQL DB engine for Amazon RDS The sections of this post relate to the sections found at the above URL. First, I installed the AWS CLI (via

Figuring out the upgrade path for AWS RDS from PostgreSQL 12.14 to PostgreSQL 16.1 Read More »

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