
Pentabarf email tokens

As found at: Variables The following variables may be used in the text and subject of the mail {{name}} The name of the recipient. {{person_id}} The person-id of the recipient. {{conference_acronym}} The acronym of the conference if the recipients are conference specific. {{conference_title}} The title of the current conference if the recipients are conference specific. {{email}} The email address of the recipient {{event_title}} A comma-separated list of the events in question.

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Pentabarf travel

Here is the start of a query for pulling out travel requirements for conference attendees. SELECT P.last_name, P.first_name, CPT.arrival_from, CPT.arrival_to, CPT.need_accommodation FROM conference_person_travel CPT, conference_person CP, conference C, person P WHERE CPT.need_accommodation AND CPT.conference_person_id = CP.conference_person_id AND P.person_id = CP.person_id AND CP.conference_id = C.conference_id AND C.acronym = ‘BSDCan2015’

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Pentabarf authentication issues

I encountered this situation recently. I had consolidated two logins. One was for 2012, the other for 2011. It’s better to reuse your login from previous years instead of creating a new one each year. Why? It lets the program committee see what you’ve submitted in previous years. They can see your previous acceptances/rejections. That is very useful, both in a negative and a positive fashion. The error upon login was: You are

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Pentabarf travel

Here is the start of a query for pulling out travel requirements for conference attendees. SELECT P.last_name, P.first_name, CPT.arrival_from, CPT.arrival_to, CPT.need_accommodation FROM conference_person_travel CPT, conference_person CP, conference C, person P WHERE CPT.need_accommodation AND CPT.conference_person_id = CP.conference_person_id AND P.person_id = CP.person_id AND CP.conference_id = C.conference_id AND C.acronym = ‘BSDCan2012’

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Pentabarf fix

After a very long effort, this is the solution: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION conflict.conflict_statistics(conference_id integer, OUT conflict_level text, OUT conflicts integer) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ #variable_conflict use_variable DECLARE conflict TEXT; conflict_rows INTEGER; BEGIN FOR conflict_level IN SELECT conflict_level.conflict_level FROM conflict.conflict_level WHERE conflict_level.conflict_level ‘silent’ ORDER BY rank LOOP conflicts = 0; FOR conflict IN SELECT conference_phase_conflict.conflict FROM conflict.conference_phase_conflict INNER JOIN conference ON ( conference.conference_id = conference_id AND conference.conference_phase = conference_phase_conflict.conference_phase )

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Speakers and travel

The following query pulls back the speakers and their travel: SELECT distinct,, CP.conference_person_id, arrival_from, arrival_to, arrival_number, arrival_date, arrival_time, departure_from, departure_to, departure_number, departure_date, departure_time FROM event E, view_event_person P, view_mail_all_speaker S, conference_person CP, conference_person_travel CPT WHERE E.event_id = P.event_id AND P.person_id = S.person_id AND E.conference_id = 7 AND CP.conference_id = E.conference_id AND E.event_state = ‘accepted’ AND E.event_state_progress NOT IN (‘rejected’, ‘canceled’) AND P.event_role_name = ‘Speaker’ AND S.person_id = CP.person_id AND CPT.conference_person_id =

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Pentabarf – exporting the schedule

When exporting a Pentabarf schedule, your talks must be accepted and reconfirmed in order to appear on in the schedule. Not just accepted. In this article, we assume your conference id = 7. Adjust to suit your situation. This query gives you a list of the accepted talks: SELECT event_id FROM event WHERE conference_id = 7 AND event_state = ‘accepted’; This query refines the data so you get the accepted talks which will

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Pentabarf – seeing the speakers

Both BSDCan and PGCon use Pentabarf for accepting and reviewing proposals for talks. An issue raised in 2009 highlighted the ability to see the speaker name when review the list of submissions. It is a bit of very useful information. This year, I’ve found out that we can see that vital data. Provided the speaker role has been set to confirmed. I think Pentabarf design assumes that you have created a talk, and

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Upgrading Pentabarf

Pentabarf is the conference tool used by BSDCan and PGCON. I upgraded it recently and ran into trouble. I think that has been resolved now. Since I last upgraded Pentabarf, it went from using svn to using git. Thus, you need a clean checkout of Pentabarf. I copied away the original source before I did this: git clone git:// Then I copied over my existing configuration files: rails/config/*.yml files Then I ran a

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