Search Results for: bacula


This host has gone to a new home (2024-03-30). The 5TB drives are still around, and are for sale. I should list those on eBay. For future reference, this is the knew server … oh wait, I think it’s this server which is was mounted in the 4U chassis mentioned in this post. It runs

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For my own records, I wiped the drives on 2024-01-03. On 2024-01-06, a chap from NY drove down to buy it off me. Thanks, and safe travels to a good server. For reference, the previous post on this server is still available. FYI, this server is named after Joshua Slocum, who was the first person

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Turning off SASLCLIENT for databases/mysql57-client

This started off as a Twitter thread earlier this morning. databases/mysql57-client has an optional dependency on security/cyrus-sasl2 which defaults to on. Let’s try turning that off and see if it also removes openldap-client from the dependency list. Why? I install net-mgmt/nagios-plugins in just above every jail and host. Even hosts which don’t use MySQL. I

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