I have a special HDD. It runs FreeBSD 9.1 and contains a bunch of tools that I use when setting up new servers. I hook it up to a new server when I’m working on it. Or I hook it up to a server which is in pain and fix it. I want it to have the same IP address every time. The conventional way to do this is by MAC address.
On your DHCP server, that entry looks like this:
host floater { hardware ethernet 00:04:AC:A3:69:E3; fixed-address floater.example.org; }
This is how I’m doing it:
host floater.unixathome.org { option dhcp-client-identifier "floater"; fixed-address floater.example.org; }
In /etc/dhclient.conf, I put this:
send dhcp-client-identifier "floater";
Works every time.