
Labelling tapes in bulk – Bacula

This is not a significant post. It is for the record. I received 20 new LTO4 tapes recently. I attached the external labels to them after using *label barcodes pool=Scratch storage=bacula-sd-02 drive=0 slot=1-7,11-15,17-23,39,47 Connecting to Storage daemon bacula-sd-02 at … 3306 Issuing autochanger “slots” command. Device “bacula-sd-02” has 47 slots. Connecting to Storage

Labelling tapes in bulk – Bacula Read More »

Migrating a Dell TL4000 to a new FreeBSD server and attaching it to a jail

I recently migrated a bunch of jails from one server to another. Today I attached the Dell TL4000 tape library. A jail on this server copied Bacula backups from disk to tape. In this post: FreeBSD 12.0 Bacula 9.4.3 Dell R720 Investigation As anticipated, I needed to update the server configuration to cope with changed

Migrating a Dell TL4000 to a new FreeBSD server and attaching it to a jail Read More »

Oct 4 09:01:24 slocum kernel: pid 1409 (check_bacula), uid 181: exited on signal 11

I’ve been getting these messages in /var/log/messages on slocum for as long as I can remember. Today I found out why those errors are occurring. They are logged on the FreeBSD jail host for a Nagios instance I run. Nagios runs in a jail on that host. I’ve just been ignoring the messages, but today

Oct 4 09:01:24 slocum kernel: pid 1409 (check_bacula), uid 181: exited on signal 11 Read More »

Moving bacula-sd into a FreeBSD jail

In this post: Bacula 7.4 FreeBSD 11.1 py-iocage I recently wrote about Converting a Dell R710 into a ZFS-based FreeBSD 11.1 tape library bacula-sd and then about getting the drives ready. That system, henceforth referred to as the r710 is now ready for the Bacula setup. Last night I created a jail and installed

Moving bacula-sd into a FreeBSD jail Read More »

Bacula – ran out of space, moved some volumes to another zpool

I’m using Bacula 9.0.3 for this post, on FreeBSD 10.3 and 11.1. I did not document this as I went along, however, the details should be enough to get you started. NOTE: when I refer to the bacula-sd configuration, I mean the bacula-sd in question, not necessarily on the same server as bacula-dir. This will

Bacula – ran out of space, moved some volumes to another zpool Read More »

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