laptop hits load averages: 407.41 128.53 49.18 during start up

I’m not complaining. It’s just very amazing how much work a laptop does to start up. As soon as I can get a terminal session I start: [dan@air01:~] $ w 18:13 up 3 mins, 11 users, load averages: 164.29 42.91 15.80 USER TTY FROM LOGIN@ IDLE WHAT dan console – 31Dec19 230days – dan s000 – 18:12 – -bash dan s001 – 18:12 – -bash dan s002 – 18:12 – -bash dan s003 […]

laptop hits load averages: 407.41 128.53 49.18 during start up Read More »

Changing from one dataset to another within a FreeBSD [iocage] jail

ZFS has a the ability to share itself within a jail. That gives the jail some autonomy, and I like that. I’ve written briefly about that, specifically for iocage. More recently, I started using a zfs snapshot for caching clearing. The purpose of this post is to document the existing configuration of the production FreshPorts webserver and outline the plan on how to modify it for more zfs-snapshot-based cache clearing. The current configuration

Changing from one dataset to another within a FreeBSD [iocage] jail Read More »

hostmask on an ip address can affect jail DNS

I encountered, and later solved, a DNS issue on a FreeBSD jail. The jail is my web proxy, of sorts. I have one public IP address, which is dynamic (not relevant, but mentioned only in passing) so all incoming web traffic goes to a single internal RFC-1918 IP address. From there, nginx does reverse proxies out to the various hosts: There are more, but you get the idea. Each

hostmask on an ip address can affect jail DNS Read More »

Unintended shutdown of the #homelab

Today was battery replacement day at my place. The UPS batteries were replaced without downtime. That doesn’t mean there wasn’t downtime. I am not documenting this in real-time. This is post-event analysis. First, I wanted to change the battery replacement date, so I ran acptest on the pfSense server, to which the UPS is connected to. [2.4.5-RELEASE][]/root: apctest 2020-08-15 14:51:30 apctest 3.14.14 (31 May 2016) freebsd Checking configuration … sharenet.type = Network &

Unintended shutdown of the #homelab Read More »

Converting an iocage jail from vnet

There are known problems with vnet and firewalls. I’ve been plagued by such issues for months. In this case, my git jail, I’m giving up and moving away from vnet jails. This post documents how I did this. Get the IP address Make sure you know the existing IP address of that jail. It might be defined within the jail, via /etc/rc.conf. It might be in the jail configuration. I ssh‘d into the

Converting an iocage jail from vnet Read More »

starting service would freeze the terminal session

I noticed a problem with a newly-created freshports daemon script: starting it would sometime freeze the terminal session. The rc.d script The rc.d script was fairly straight forward: Nothing odd there, right? This first happened a week or so ago. I moved on it and decided to look into later. But wait, there’s more This issue came up again today. The system would be processing incoming commits and it would hang. It would

starting service would freeze the terminal session Read More »

mysqldump: Error: ‘Access denied; you need (at least one of) the PROCESS privilege(s) for this operation’ when trying to dump tablespaces

See also Creating read-only PostgreSQL database users for pg_dump and pg_dumpall. I’m linking this because I use both articles on a regular basis. The error After a recent upgrade of MySQL server from 5.7.30 to 5.7.31, my database backups started encountered this error: mysqldump: Error: ‘Access denied; you need (at least one of) the PROCESS privilege(s) for this operation’ when trying to dump tablespaces The search Searching, I found a Kanyakonil post which

mysqldump: Error: ‘Access denied; you need (at least one of) the PROCESS privilege(s) for this operation’ when trying to dump tablespaces Read More »

Creating a new iocage jail

Every time I go to create a new iocage jail, I cannot remember out the command. Here we go, for next time: iocage create -n devgit-ingress01 –thickjail ip4_addr= –release 12.1-RELEASE iocage create -n devgit-nginx01 –thickjail ip4_addr= –release 12.1-RELEASE

Creating a new iocage jail Read More »

Renaming and replacing zroot filesystems using mfsBSD

I am replacing one zroot with another because of missing binaries and suspect layout. The existing zroot is an old system predating current zroot layouts. This work is being performed on a test system (that link is not safe for young eyes). In this post: FreeBSD 12.1 mfsBSD 12.1 The failed attempt I tried once, and failed, with with old zroot_old and new zroot_new mounted. zroot_new became unusable and I started again. This

Renaming and replacing zroot filesystems using mfsBSD Read More »

Burning a disk image to a thumbdrive on OSX

Every time I go to burn a new image to a thumbdrive I have to remember how. This post aims to fix that so I can just look it up. Case in point: mfsBSD I have downloaded mfsbsd-12.1-RELEASE-amd64.img from From the same URL I’ve looked in mfsbsd-12.1-RELEASE-amd64.img.sums.txt and grabbed the md5 hash. I verified the downloaded file via: [dan@pro02:~/Downloads] $ md5 mfsbsd-12.1-RELEASE-amd64.img | grep a79046a330938d284167dac08cc0bfcb MD5 (mfsbsd-12.1-RELEASE-amd64.img) = a79046a330938d284167dac08cc0bfcb Yes, that matches.

Burning a disk image to a thumbdrive on OSX Read More »

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