When my home DHCP address changes, I want stuff done

I recently moved from an appliance to a FreeBSD 14.2 gateway. In this post: FreeBSD 14.2 gw01 gw01 photos These are the main things I need done when my IP address changes: restart OpenVPN restart my Hurricane Electric IPv6 tunnel with the new IP address – written Tell HE.net about my IP address change – written Notify OpenDNS.com about my IP address change Update a dynamic DNS entry so my VPN clients can […]

When my home DHCP address changes, I want stuff done Read More »

Assigning static IP addresses via dhcp

NOTE: if you’re using something other than OSX, say, FreeBSD, then a previous blog post might be the solution you are looking for. I suggest skipping to the final paragraph before you implement any of what is below. You fire up your laptop, connect via WIFI, you get an IP address. You plug in an ethernet cable, you get an IP address. This is how things should work. It’s expected. It’s automatic. Sometimes

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dhcpd: Unable to add reverse map – not found

Running dhcpd with dynamic DNS? Seeing messages like this? Dec 20 17:16:18 toiler dhcpd: Unable to add reverse map from to Apple-TV.example.org: not found But that IP address is static/fixed? If so, you can to add an option to that host. Make it look like this: # Apple-TV host Apple-TV { hardware ethernet 14:99:e2:0f:48:23; fixed-address appletv.int.example.org; ddns-updates off; } The answer is the ddns-updates off;. It tells dhcpd to not send a

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Updating your IPv6 tunnel after an IP address change

I don’t yet have IPv6 native at home. Perhaps Verizon FiOS will provide it soon. In the meantime, I make use of Hurricane Electric, which seems to be everyone’s go-to ISP for tunnels. This post isn’t about creating an IPv6 tunnel. It’s about making sure that tunnel is rebuilt after you have an IP address change. At home, my Verizon FiOS connection has a dynamic IP address. It changes from time to time,

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Creating a FreeBSD jail to run DHCP and DNS

I’m in the process of setting up a new gateway/firewall. The new hardware will be faster and have more space. At present, the old firewall is also providing DHCP and DNS services. I want to move those off the gateway and onto another server. Why? I want the gateway to run only services that are related to gateway/firewall services. That keeps things simple. At present, the new firewall has just 43 packages installed.

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The Bacula Tutorial jail server

One of the challenges of providing hands-on demonstrations is giving everyone their own sandbox to play in. I don’t want people to spend time on installing software. I want people to learn about the software in question, specifically Bacula. With this in mind, I’ve been building up a solution based on FreeBSD 9.1, ZFS, and jails. My solution is pretty nifty, but I don’t think it’s anything special. The key is simplicity. The

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dhclient: sending a host identifier to the DHCP server

I have a special HDD. It runs FreeBSD 9.1 and contains a bunch of tools that I use when setting up new servers. I hook it up to a new server when I’m working on it. Or I hook it up to a server which is in pain and fix it. I want it to have the same IP address every time. The conventional way to do this is by MAC address. On

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When my IP address changes…

When my IP address at home changes, what do I need to do? I have servers out there on the Internet, which need to know the new IP address. I need to ssh to each of them and update: /etc/pf.conf – the IP address of my home gateway /etc/hosts /usr/local/etc/nrpe.conf restart stunnel It’s kind of annoying. I think much of it could be avoided with a VPN.

When my IP address changes… Read More »

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